Here is the e-mail via POWERLINE (click to enlarge):
The sentence reads: “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, since they’re already in the majority.”
So much for being an “equal opportunity employer” I guess. Just curious: what’s it like to be a straight, cis-gendered white male working at the DNC? Do you have to begin every day genuflecting outside the office of the diversity coordinator, and apologizing for your “white privilege”? Do you have to go to regular de-tox sessions to shed your “toxic masculinity”?
PROFESSOR TURLEY says this about the above:
If this email is valid, Leader was engaging in flagrant discrimination at least in trying to avoid white male applicants. Such practices violate state and federal laws. She should be fired. However, there is also the concern that Leader simply made express what may be a practice at the DNC in discriminating against some applicants or employees on the basis of their race or gender.