How Many Non-Citizens Voted in 2016 ~ John Fund

Larry Elder was inundated with calls about a story on the Drudge Report about a possible 3-million non-citizen voters voting. Many of whom would have voted for the Democrat in any race, in this case, Hillary. So “the Sage” brought in John Fund, author of “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” to discuss the issue.

Fund brings some knowledge to the matter and notes we really do not know the number, but the few studies done show that it is enough people to make a difference in close state races.

Keep in mind , much of this isn’t nefarious by the persons themselves. The people standing out in front of Wal-Mart or other businesses often get paid per signature. So in one case the person asked three women walking by if they are registered to vote. The woman that could speak English noted that her companions were not citizens and could’t vote.

The person taking signatures said that wasn’t true and explained that the law [falsely] allows them to vote. The woman then filled out forms for her friends.

But again, when voter fraud happens — whether planned or mistaken — almost all of it happens to benefit the Democrats:

Voter Fraud ~ Guess Who?
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Unleashes 200,000 Felons To Vote