Faucie Emails! (Tangled Web 1)

After examining the evidence, Carlson wondered if Fauci may be under investigation for his “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (NATIONAL FILE). Of course, this is old news to conservatives… new news to Lefties (Apr 7, 2020 — The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus)

The following is compiled by ACE OF SPADES!


  • “The bombshell release from Dr. Fauci’s e-mails goes to disprove the political and media establishment’s claims that lab-leak or bio-weapon concerns were ‘conspiracy theories.'” — Chinese COVID “Looks Engineered,” Gov’t-Funded Immunologist Told Fauci In January 2020 (NATIONAL PULSE)
  • Daniel Greenfield: “If you like your pandemic, you can keep your pandemic.” — Fauci’s E-Mails and the Chinese Covid Cover-Up (FRONTPAGE MAG)
  • “Controversial health official’s lack of scientific curiosity raises troubling questions.” — “Too Long for Me to Read”: Fauci Dismissed Expert’s E-Mail About Chinese Disinformation on Chinese COVID-19 (too long or Chu Wong? – jjs) (THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON)
  • “Worse, he well symbolizes much of the entire Washington establishment, a group of people more interested in power and skimming cash from the taxpayer than doing the right thing for the nation.” — From Masks to the Origins of Chinese COVID, Anthony Fauci is a Liar and a Fraud (BEHIND THE BLACK)
  • Rand Paul: “Can’t wait to see the media try to spin the Fauci FOIA e-mails.” — Sen. Rand Paul Calls to “Fire” Dr. Anthony Fauci: “Told You” (BREITBART)
  • “…in the future, we would do well to never let entrenched bureaucrats run a national response to anything.” — Was Fauci Incompetent or Dishonest? Either Way, in the Final Analysis, Lives Have Been Ruined (PJ-MEDIA)
  • “A couple months later, the man responsible for steering U.S. government funding to the Wuhan Institution of Virology, Peter Daszak, the president of the EcoHealth Alliance, thanked Dr. Anthony Fauci on April 18, 2020 for publicly dismissing the theory coronavirus may have leaked from the lab.” — E-Mails Show Anthony Fauci Scrambled at Beginning of Pandemic to Determine Potential U.S. Role in Funding Chinese Coronavirus Research “Abroad” (BREITBART)
  • “Over the course of the pandemic, Facebook has taken on an increasingly active role in censoring [Chinese] COVID-related information deemed “fake news” by government health officials.” — Fauci Colluded With Mark Zuckerberg On Facebook Chinese COVID-19 “Information Hub,” E-Mails Show (THE FEDERALIST)
  • “I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location.” — Masks, Lies and Fauci: The Trifecta (HUMAN EVENTS)
  • “The highest-paid federal employee, best known for flip-flopping on [Chinese] COVID messaging and fudging the numbers, is now going to pontificate about truth and service in an autobiography where he gets to be the hero? What a joke.” — Fauci’s Expect the Unexpected Book Is Exactly What You’d Expect From a Self-Serving Bureaucrat (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Fauci’s Upcoming Book Scrubbed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble Amid Backlash (JUST THE NEWS)
  • “Regulators’ precipitous action slowed the [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccination campaign.” — The FDA’s J&J Vaccine “Pause” Protected Bureaucrats, Not Patients (HUMAN EVENTS)
  • “Proof of immunity should serve as a substitute in any mandate situation, though parents may need to demand it. Concurrence from a physician should assist in the process.” — Israel Says There Is a Probable Link Between the Pfizer Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine and Cases of Myocarditis (PJ-MEDIA)





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