Author: Papa Giorgio
Noahs Ark Found?
FP h/t:
A Zombie Quiz
The Christine O’Donnell/Jimmy Carter Quiz
Who said each of the following quotes: Christine O’Donnell, or Jimmy Carter?
1. “To my amazement, I was besieged with questions about my sex life. At first I thought this was just a passing joke, but I was wrong. It became the dominant news story of my candidacy, and my popularity dropped precipitously. Any attempt to explain the Christian theology behind my answer only served to keep the issue alive.”
2. “I have an absolute, total commitment as a human being, as an American, as a religious person to Israel … Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.”
3. “Feeling a bit presumptuous, I wrote to [an evolutionary scientist] diasagreeing with this premise and asserting that there were factors other than pure happenstance that influenced the course of evolution.”
4. “Because I’m just human and I’m tempted and Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Christ said, ‘I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery.’ I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times…. This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it. But that doesn’t mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. Christ says, don’t consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who’s loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness.”
5. “This set of principles, rooted in my Christian faith, has both shaped me and been shaped by my personal experiences, and it remains to this day a central element of my identity.”
6. (Quote from someone commenting about the candidate running for office) “It is not presumptuous to say, as there is enough evidence already, that a vast number of [O’Donnell or Carter] supporters consist of aggressive evangelicals whose main goal is to ‘Christianize’ our country; that is to say, to convert Americans to a particular brand of religious obscurantism. Needless to say, most, or many [O’Donnell/Carter]-fundamentalists despise complete intellectual and religious liberty.”
7. “Being born again is a new life, not of perfection but of striving, stretching, and searching — a life of intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit.”
8. “But if we aspire to grow as human beings, we should struggle to close the gap by making our inner selves truer reflections of our own highest values, which, for me, grow from my Christian faith.”
9. “…There are basic principles that, for me, have never changed. For a Christian, the life and teachings of Jesus offer a sound moral foundation that includes all the most basic elements that should guide us.”
10. “Yes, I have my personal beliefs, and these questions come from statements I made over fifteen years ago. I was in my twenties, and very excited and passionate about my new-found faith. But I assure you my faith has matured, and when I go to Washington, D.C., it’ll be the Constitution on which I base all of my decisions, not my personal beliefs.”
To find out the answers, go to Zombies 2nd page.
Overloaded or What!
Vishal Mangalwadi Explains Why Swearing An Oath On The Bible Upholds Human Dignity
Vishal Mangalwadi (an Indian Christian apologist) discusses the Bible’s influence on race and equality. Comparing his roots of the Cast system verses Revelatory Scripture that truly gives humanity its equality.
The Pogues (1986) In Dublin-Shane MacGowan
Posting @ UNLIBERAL-My Marine is Home Temporarily-Busy Season @ Work
A few things going on. I have my oldest back from North Carolina for 27 days… so there has been lots of running around. I have also been asked to post some stuff on another site, Unliberal. So some of my posts will show up over there. Make sure you come visit, the mix of libertarians and conservatives over there should make it interesting to say the least.
On top of that, this is the bust season for Tragic Mountain. So I will be working a lot more than usual. So my posts here may be merely videos and small commentary. So hang in there.
Too Many Regulations
HotAir h/t:
SkyNet Has Awakened
King Elsy and some Comparative Religious Viewpoints (A Great Song!)
If you watch the video, there is footage of Selassie in it. Seallasie IS JAH in most reggae songs. For instance, when Bob Marley sings this, “We know when we understand, a mighty God is a living man,” he is singing about Selassie mainly. Here is a great 3-page store of information on this topic (click to enlarge):
There is also bad thinking on who took and supported slavery — in general — the most. Less than 10% of African slaves were hunted down and captured by whites, most were captured by fellow Africans or Arabs. I realize this sounds callous and unforgiving for the crimes white American’s played in the role of slavery, but that isn’t my intention with displaying these raw facts. Slavery is not an invention of the white man but of all humans at all times, displaying our brokenness and need for a savior and a fulfillment of the law. Also, here is a snippet from a larger forum debate I had in the early 2000’s: