Author: Papa Giorgio
Another Islamic Terrorist Caught
The video is a h/t to The Religion of Peace:
Libertarian Republican h/t. Eric Dondero points out a few important things that I would agree is a HUGE problem:
Another Muslim terrorist attempt on a major US City took place just days before Thanksgiving.
From the AP story (via Fox News) “Somali-Born Christmas Car Bomber Stopped in Oregon”:
The Somali-born teenager who was arrested in a sting operation while trying to blow up a van he believed was loaded with explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Ore., e-mailed an alleged terrorist last year, authorities said…
the sting operation began in June after an undercover agent learned that 19-year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud had been in regular e-mail contact with an “unindicted associate” in Pakistan’s northwest, a frontier region where Al Qaeda and Afghanistan’s Taliban insurgents are strong.
An FBI document reveals that Mohamud had contact with the suspected terrorist in Aug. 2009. In Dec. 2009, Mohamud discussed the possibility of traveling to Pakistan to engage in violent jihad.
Mohamud wanted “maximum carnage,” kill plenty of children
Portland – Headquarters for Nation’s AntiWar Movement
Now it is being revealed that the City of Portland was not even aware of the bombing plot until after the Muslim terrorist was arrested.
Five years ago, Portland became the first city in the nation to withdraw from the FBI-led task force.
Adams did not know about the plot to detonate a bomb at the tree lighting at Pioneer Courthouse Square until after Mohamed Osman Mohamud’s arrest Friday night.
Adams, who serves as police commissioner, said he wasn’t aware of the case until 9:15 p.m. Friday when he was called to Portland’s FBI headquarters for a briefing. The mayor said he would have been notified if the bomb threat had been real.
Sanctuary CityA Sanctuary City for all Illegal Aliens
In April 2005, the City Council… voted 4-1 to withdraw its two police officers from the federal task force.
A Sanctuary City for all Illegal Aliens
Libertarian/conservative columnist Michelle Malkin (via LA Times) pointed out at the time in, “Portland vs. America”:
If the Bush administration had guts, it would withdraw all federal homeland security funds from the city immediately. After 9/11, the city refused to cooperate with federal efforts to conduct voluntary interviews of of local Muslims in order to uncover terrorist plots. Portland is also a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. This despite several signs that al Qaeda and pro-Islamists have infiltrated the area.
Marvin Olasky is Interviewed (Q & A Style) In regards to Jim Wallis/Sojourners taking money from George Soros
World Magazine h/t ~ and ~ h/t:
Jim Wallis has been the subject of some recent blogosphere humor. Hugh Hewitt wrote, “Most folks who receive donations from billionaires tend not to forget them, so pray for Jim Wallis’s memory.” Scholar William Voegeli wondered whether Sojourners “is drowning in money,” since Wallis didn’t remember that megabucks leftist George Soros gave $325,000 to his organization. With Jim’s denial appearing Clintonian, Baylor’s Francis Beckwith imagined Wallis saying, I did not have financial relations with that Soros.
This all grew out of my mention halfway through a July 17 WORLD column that Soros gave money to Sojourners. It didn’t seem like a big deal. Of course, Soros would find the religious left useful in drawing evangelical votes from conservatives and electing candidates who support abortion, same-sex marriage, socialism, and other unbiblical causes. Nor was it surprising that Jim, trying to keep his organization afloat, would take the cash. Yet Jim last month told an interviewer twice, “We don’t receive money from George Soros.”
It’s almost an axiom of politics that denials of evidence raise more questions than the original accusation—if the evidence still exists in one form or another. Other people besides myself had seen grants to Sojourners listed on pages in online reports from Soros’ Open Society Institute. Jay Richards wrote in National Review Online, “I have physical copies of these pages, which is good, because these pages seem to have disappeared from the OSI website (I’m sure that’s just a coincidence).”
The pages had disappeared—an OSI spokeswoman eventually said, “We are overhauling our website”—and that was disappointing, because I wanted people to be able to see for themselves proof of the Soros-Sojourners yoking. What to do? I examined on the Foundation Center website IRS Form 990s filed by Sojourners—but nonprofit groups merely have to list revenue from grants, not spell out their origins.
A stalemate? No, wait—OSI online grant pages were gone, but what about OSI’s Form 990 for 2004? (Grantmakers typically list their donations, and IRS forms cannot be so readily scrubbed, right?) Let’s look—wow, 283 pages, lots of income statements, various reports, no mention of Sojourners. But then . . . Grants to U.S. Public Charities . . . Yes! On page 225: Sojourners, 2401 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009. “To support the Messaging and Mobilization Project: Engaging Christians on the Importance of Civic Involvement.” October 2004: $200,000.
Divine Providence-Molinism,Calvinism,and libertarian free-will
William Lane Craig discusses the book “Four Views of Divine Providence,” to which he defends Molinism. I tend towards the ground between Calvinism and Molinism. Here are some great resources to start delineating where you stand:
A good response to deepen your understanding of this perplexing and fun theological issue is this by Gregory Koukl:
Lame Duck & Taxes
Scientific Evidence for Intelligence
The Video That Proves Intelligent Design
Seeing is believing, and they say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Over at, Brian Thomas has posted a fascinating article entitled, ATP synthase: majestic molecular machine made by a mastermind. ATP synthase is an enzyme that synthesizes an energy-rich compound, ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is used by almost every biochemical process in the body. ATP synthase is also the world’s tiniest rotary motor, and it operates at near 100% efficiency, which is far greater than that of any man-made motor. In his article, Brian Thomas does an excellent job of describing the workings of this enzyme and of exposing the inadequacies of proposed evolutionary explanations for its origin.
But don’t take my word for it. Have a look at this video by, and you’ll see at once that ATP synthase is the product of design. It’ll only take 86 seconds of your valuable time.
As Jonathan Sarfati explains in another video, entitled Evolution Vs ATP Synthase – Molecular Machine:
You couldn’t have life unless you had this motor to produce the energy currency, so it looks like this motor must have been there right from the beginning, and I’d say that because this motor is so much better, so much tinier and more efficient than anything we can design, … the Designer of the motor is far more intelligent than any motor designer we have today too.
My sentiments exactly. Judge for yourself. You might like to have a look at these links here and here, on Uncommon Descent, where ATP synthase has been highlighted previously, as evidence for Intelligent Design.
I’d like to thank Bornagain77, a regular contributor to Uncommon Descent, for bringing this video to my attention, and also Ashby Camp of True.Origin.
William Dembski & Christopher Hitchens Debate Gods Existence
Dembski-Hitchens Debate — The Real “Universal Acid”
As Dembski points out, Hitchens hitches much of his atheistic wagon to Darwinism (the creation myth of atheistic materialism, which is dissolving rapidly in the universal acid* of genuine scientific rigor).
Very revealing is Hitchens’ reference to cave-dwelling creatures that lose their eyes. He thinks that this is evidence of “evolution.” In fact, this is evidence of devolution — the loss of information, not the origin or creation of it. It is evidence for informational entropy. Decay happens all by itself.
Consider computer code like mine that simulates human intelligence in the game of checkers.
It is approximately 65,000 lines of highly optimized and refined computer code in the C/C++ language. (This does not include several tens of thousands of additional lines of code that compute, compress, store, and provide real-time execution access and decompression to the endgame databases.)
Introduce random errors into that code and some of its functions will be disabled (or, the program will die upon conception when compiled and executed). Try to improve the same program by the introduction of random errors and there is no chance of success, even given an infinite amount of time, since random degradation will always outrun any possible random improvement.
As it turns out, virtually all examples of the creative powers of Darwinian evolution (random variation/errors and natural selection) rest either on the mixing and matching of existing information, or what Michael Behe refers to as trench warfare (destroying information for a temporary advantage in a pathological environment, such as a bacterium in the presence of an antibiotic) as opposed to an arms race.
The bottom line is that the infinitely creative, information-producing powers of the Darwinian mechanism are nonexistent, and only exist in the infinitely creative imaginations of Darwinists, who have an infinite capacity for spinning fanciful stories that are completely out of contact with modern scientific evidence and reasoning.
* Daniel Dennett calls Darwinism a universal acid that essentially destroys all traditional theistic belief.
Link in Picture:
A Thankgiving Dinner Response for anti-american family member
Dennis Prager takes a call from a gentleman that has a family member who thinks America is imperialistic. Prager offers some possible ways to deal with this topic.
For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager… I invite you to join Pragertopia:
Some expert input on the North Korean Crisis
These are the two takes on the crisis that I think are the closest to what has and hasn’t worked and what the deal is is right now. I think combining the two make the most sense in this problem. My son asked so I posted this on his FaceBook after the following two videos (in the second video zero in on Charles Krauthammer):
Kim Jong-il is passing on the countries reins to his son, Kim Jong-Un. I like the last experts take on this whole thing. They have been producing since the 50’s, we have failed to stop it since 93′ — and there is a new nut taking control → all under the guise of China’s wanting it this way. The only way we can respond to this to make China really figure out that we aren’t playing their game anymore is to let Japan and South Korea respond in kind to North Korea’s and China’s capabilities. Almost like Reagan putting ICBM’s up along the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.
Smiles and Smirks held back from both sides here (the PALIN NARRATIVE Exemplified)
It is in the Left’s best interest to keep Palin front and center and to keep the narrative we hear from the liberal — excuse me… the leftist — on this show alive. Unfortunately, many conservatives join in this narrative. You can see Charles bitingly critical swipe at the mainstream media (news mainstream) all the while holding back a smirk… as he does when the “Palin narrative” is expressed from left-field:
Band-Aid and Live-Aid Didn’t Help the suffering in Africa- it Perpetuated it
As a kid growing up in the 1980s, one of the biggest rock moments etched upon my mind was Live Aid, a multi-venue rock concert held in the summer of 1985.
Organized by Sir Bob Geldof (Boomtown Rats) and Midge Ure (Ultravox), the purpose was to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia.
They held concerts, simultaneously in London (72,000 fans at Wembley Stadium), Philadelphia (90,000 fans at JFK Stadium), Sydney and Moscow. The event was so huge it drew 1.5 BILLION viewers on television in over 100 countries. All of this was broadcast live. It’s coming upon the 21st Anniversary of this historic event and the big question is……….WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?
According to published reports, between Band Aid’s cassette single, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”, the Live Aid concert, the BBC Documentary, other news stories regarding the plight and aid sent in by foreign governments, over $1 billion was generated for the cause.
By exponentially increasing their foreign currency reserves, Col. Mengistu was able to purchase arms and ammunition to help him in his pursuits of displacement. Because of his tactics, the internal war dragged onward for an additional 6 years. Utilizing his tools of famine, starvation and murder, his regime was responsible for killing over 100,000 Ethiopians…..his own people.
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Women Pushed to the Ends of Their Sanity in Islam
These horrific stories of women driven to the brink of sanity within Islam comes from The Religion of Conquest. These stories extreme actions makes you wish the Gospel message would inundate these areas and free these women like Christianity affected the West in this regard. You should take note that the first gal bio’ed was 11 when she was married to a man.