Author: Papa Giorgio
Dennis Prager struggles to show a young caller the immoral moral positions he is taking
Frank Gaffney,Gen. Jerry Boykin (ret.),and Tom Trento addressed different points about America’s relationship with Israel and Israel’s 1967 borders
Obama Creates Consensus
HotAir points out that Obama has created unity only as he can:
Give some credit to Barack Obama for his speech last Thursday. He managed to create in one sentence a consensus that has eluded other heads of state over the last few decades between the principals in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides think Obama is all wet with his call to base a two-state solution on the 1967 borders:
Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said Monday that it was clear that US PresidentBarack Obama’s platform was not so different from the one adopted by former US president George W. Bush. According to Zahar, the 1967 borders, while “sacred,” were not the final borders on which the Palestinians should settle.
Speaking to Al-Emirate Al-Youm, Zahar asked “Why won’t we talk about the 1948 borders? Why won’t we discuss the partition plan which was internationally recognized?”
Er, perhaps because that was based on a status quo ante that changed when the Arab nations attacked Israel in an attempt to destroy it? Land gained in defensive war — as the war after the 1948 establishment of Israel was for the Israelis — is legitimately held by the victor. That’s especially true when the land is needed to prevent further invasions and attempts at extermination.
If the Arabs wanted the 1948 borders, then they shouldn’t have invaded Israel. For that matter, if they wanted the lands controlled after the 1967 war, then Egypt, Syria, and Jordan shouldn’t have plotted to attack Israel — an attack pre-empted by Israel’s strike against the Egyptians. Israel could have annexed those lands after the war, but they didn’t, although they built settlements in an attempt to change the demography. Israel doesn’t want to absorb the people living in the West Bank and Gaza for the same reason that the “right of return” is absolute anathema to Israel, because it would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state. They’d probably prefer to give the West Bank back to Jordan, but Jordan won’t take it back, and for good reasons.
Steven Crowder Drills Obama
Steven Crowder Does Net Neutrality
Funny T-Shirt
Netanyahu Heckled During Speech to Congress (BIBI Truth/Zinger)
FoxNews Is Preferred and Trusted News Source by an Equal Mix of Dems,Indies,and Repubs
From Accuracy in Media:
Liberals received some more bad news this week as a new Suffolk University poll revealed that Fox News is the most trusted political news source among those surveyed.
- FOX News – 28%
- CNN – 18%
- Undecided -12%
- NBC – 10%
- Other -10%
- MSNBC — 7%
- ABC — 6%
- CBS — 6%
- C-SPAN — 3%
For CNN the poll was a little bit of good news at a time the network is struggling with it’s primetime lineup, and after they received a black-eye this week for omitting former New York governor and current CNN host Eliot Spitzer from a story on political sex scandals.
The news wasn’t so good for MSNBC ….
It’s true that part of the explanation for these results is that the only network that conservatives find their viewpoint fairly represented is on the Fox News Channel, but maybe airing all that one-sided programming bashing conservatives isn’t so good for the other networks after all.
And from BigJournalism:
It was a phone survey of over one thousand people from across the country, divided into Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. There were 62 more women than men.It was also a pretty even split between Democrats and Republicans:
and 96% of those polled identified themselves as very likely to vote in 2012.
Some highlights:
– 59% had a favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton
– 50% had an unfavorable opinion of Newt Gingrich
– 70% had an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump
– 72% disapproval rating for congressional job performance
– 48% believe Obama has not stayed true to his campaign promises, 42% believe he has
– Out of all GOP contenders, the majority would vote for Romney if the election were held today
– Romney trails Obama by only three points
– 53% disagree that raising taxes should be an option for reducing the debt
It’s a pretty even-handed sampling that even the Soros orgs can’t deny.
Very interesting.
All this confirms past posts:
Michael Medved Discusses Some Presidential Contender Announcements
This is the first chance Medved has had to really comment on some of the major announcements for candidacy of the Repubs hopping in the race. I have the announcements here:
Tim Pawlenty ~
Herman Cain ~
Newt Gingrich ~