A Prince and a Hero

From the Sun:

Defence chiefs and the Queen have given the go-ahead for Harry, a qualified Apache flier, to fulfil his dream of returning to battle the Taliban.

The 26-year-old Prince – known as Captain Wales by the military – will unleash Hellfire missiles at the Taliban when he returns.

Once he finishes final battle and weapons training, Harry will be at the controls of the world’s most sophisticated attack helicopter.


A close pal said: “Harry has been quite vocal about it. And they’ve told him it’s a goer after he succeeds in final training. It is well known he’s considered a natural attack pilot. When he qualifies, he goes.”

The move appears less fraught than Harry’s previous deployment.

He served ten weeks with the Blues and Royals before news of his presence leaked out on the internet – and the disappointed Prince was pulled out.

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