I wanted to share portions of KATIE KEIFFER’S article that hit the nail on the head every-time:
Words of Mass Destruction
“Imagine if some men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods,” is the message women scrolled on sanitary napkins—and then adhered to walls and park benches. (Blame dementia or blame dishonesty, but these women slandered Trump as a rapist with no evidence, while ignoring scientific and legal evidence of sexual assault by former president Bill Clinton.)
“Women are in danger! … Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House!” Madonna shouted to a cheering crowd—after rallying women to the march by tweeting a photo of female pubic hair and calling outgoing President Obama a “King amongst men.”
American girls shouting and stomping in Washington: you got the attention of newly-elected 45th President Donald Trump. That’s as far as you got. Because, you’re disrespecting yourselves. And no one—especially President Trump—listens to someone who lacks self-respect.
Independent women do their own research—and don’t flee reality. Today, I’ll share real-world facts indicating that Trump’s administration holds far more promise for women than the policies of the groups sponsoring this march, like Planned Parenthood.
Toss your kitty ears and “P—y Power” signs. There’s more to you than your private parts. Exercise your brain power and start respecting yourself as a full human being.
First World Problems
“The marchers were mostly female and white,” reported MSN.
WHEN will white women stop fighting for causes that polls indicate most white and non-white women of reproductive age don’t prioritize? Issues like: free abortions and climate change. Donald Trump won on two issues: the economy and national security. A 2016 study by Ipsos Public Affairs finds that economic and security issues also happen to be the top two priorities for America’s largest voting demographic: Millennials.
As Snapchat captured grey-haired American women—well past their reproductive years— hoisting homemade signs with messages like “We are not OVARY-reacting!” women in other parts of the world are wringing their hands, wishing they had the freedom American women have with regard to reproduction.
All Chinese women were forced—for over 30 years—to be implanted with an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) in order for the Chinese government to enforce its one child rule. Recently, faced with a fading population, Beijing lifted the ban and is now offering young women “free” IUD removals. And Chinese women are angry.
“[T]he offer, made without even a hint of an apology, has provoked incredulous outrage,” the New York Times reported earlier this month.
Sharia Law and a Closet Hatred for Homosexuals
And finally, the dirtiest secret of all. Linda Sarsour is the Women’s March On Washington Co-Chair. Ms. Sarsour has also been an outspoken advocate for Sharia Law.
On May 12 of 2015, Sarsour tweeted from her handle @lsarsour that “under Sharia Law … suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn’t it?” Yep, she’s a big fan.
Previously, in September of 2011, she tweeted: “shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics.” She deleted the tweet, but it was archived <href=”#selection-3857.1-3857.112″>here.
Looking at images of protest signs across America, there were plenty of rainbows and calls for “respect” from President Trump for homosexuals and transgenders. In Denver, a marcher wore a transgender flag with the message “Respect Existence or Expect Resistance.” Along with the hashtag #WomensMarch, Twitter users used the hashtag #HomosAgainstHate.
Surely most women participating in the march didn’t realize that one of its leading organizers is on-record for supporting Sharia Law. In countries that practice Sharia Law, homosexuals face flogging, imprisonment and even death.