The “New Media” and Counter-Terrorism Investigations Post Obama

HotAir notes that the media pushed their way into an active crime scene:

The “best-case” scenario is that the press is luridly publicizing sensitive information, including presumably innocent people’s personal data, for no better reason than that it’s lying around at a major crime scene. The worst-case scenario is that they’re handling actual evidence there. For instance, what if Farook’s wife was using his mother’s driver’s license as fake ID? The cops will need that later. This is what makes it hard to understand how the FBI could have cleared the scene. Wouldn’t they want all papers, identifying documents, credit card statements, etc, inside the apartment? They can’t possibly know all the information they might need for the investigation after 36 hours.

This all makes sense… to Obama. I mean, this was a work-place crime… nothing more. Who needs fingerprints of the hald dozen Muslim men we know were there a couple of weeks earlier.