Confirmed! 93% of Muslim voters, voted for Socialist Hollande
(Translation [by Eric Dondero]):
93% of Muslims have voted for Francois Holland A study released by the Institute for Surveys OpinionWay for the second round of elections finds a massive coalition of Muslims for the Socialist Party. It shows a rejection of Sarkozy-ism, but not all the parts of the values of the right, notably on the societal questions on homosexuality. The Muslims called for change, and they received it. According to a study of the electoral body by OpinionWay and Fidicuial for May 6 by Le Figaro, from 10,000 voters, 93% of the believers had slipped a Francois Hollande ballot in their envelopes. Only 7% of them voted for Nicolas Sarkozy.
We have been shouting at the top of our lungs for years here at Libertarian Republican about the growing alliance of socialists and Islamists. And now we have solid data from this French election. Islam does not, nor has it ever, been favorable to capitalism.
(Islamic flags were out in full display)
Walid Shoebat asks some pertenant questions:
Wasn’t Hitler a socialist? After all, “Nazi” = National Socialist Party.
Didn’t Hitler control France for a time?
Didn’t the Muslims align with Hitler during WWII?