The “Sage” r-e-a-l-l-y got into his role as the “whinny liberal 3rd-person actor this episode. Very funny! The topic is Ben Carson and his comments about slavery, and slaves being immigrants that has caused all of the MSM and Hollywood into a dither. There is one problem with this however… NONE of this “outrage” was present during the 11-times Obama said essentially the same thing. What this does however is offer a stark example of the hatred by the Left… dare I say “selective racism/bigotry”… of conservative black persons.
Samuel L. Jackson
Don’t Let The Door Hit You On the Ass On the Way Out!
Samuel L. Jackson Tries To Get Film Critic To Say “N” Word During Interview
Video Description:
“Django Unchained” star Samuel L. Jackson took an unexpected approach to discussing the controversial new Quentin Tarantino film when he tried to get a Houston film critic, Jake Hamilton, to say the “n” word during an interview. See the rest of the interview here.
Breitbart has uploaded a good upload entitled, “DiCaprio: Foxx, Jackson Encouraged Me To Say ‘N-Word’ During ‘Django’“