William Lane Craig discusses the book “Four Views of Divine Providence,” to which he defends Molinism. I tend towards the ground between Calvinism and Molinism. Here are some great resources to start delineating where you stand:
- reasontostand.org/archives/2009/11/12/resources-for-more-information-on-molinismmiddle-knowledge
- betweenthetimes.com/2009/12/23/molinists-and-calvinists-locked-in-a-wordy-embrace-with-the-same-gargoyle/
- discussions.godandscience.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=34666
- gotquestions.org/molinism.html
A good response to deepen your understanding of this perplexing and fun theological issue is this by Gregory Koukl: