3-Year Anniversary Speech by Obama Full of Mistruths

Via Gateway Pundit:

Barack Obama released a statement today on the third anniversary of Obamacare. It’s chockfull of lies. His statement is below with links directing you to the truth.

Three years ago today, I signed into law the principle that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick. The Affordable Care Act will give hard-working, middle class families the health care security they deserve and protect every American from the worst insurance company abuses. Already, millions of seniors are saving $600 a year on their prescription drugs. Millions of young people have been able to stay on their family’s health plan until age 26. Preventive care, like mammograms for women and wellness visits for seniors, is covered free of charge. Most importantly, for the sake of our fiscal future, the growth of health care costs is beginning to slow. In fact, last year, Medicaid costs fell for the first time in decades.

Because of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies will no longer have unchecked power to cancel your policy, deny you coverage, or charge women more than men. And soon, no American will ever again be denied care or charged more due to a pre-existing condition, like cancer or even asthma.

Later this year, millions of Americans will finally have the opportunity to buy the same kind of health care Members of Congress give themselves. Beginning in October, you’ll be able to sign up for new private health care plans through a new health insurance marketplace where private plans will compete to save middle class families money. Through these marketplaces, Americans and small business owners will be able to choose from a menu of health plans that fit their budget and provide quality coverage they can count on when they need it most. If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you cannot afford a plan, you or your small business may get financial assistance to make it affordable

Of course, the liberal media will not challenge Obama on any part of today’s outrageous statement.


Obama Caught In a Really Serious Lie

Via Gateway Pundit:

Obama Fiddled While Benghazi Burned–
Earlier today Barack Obama told Denver’s WUSA TV this in regard to the Benghazi 9-11 terror attack,

“I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. Number two, we’re going to investigate exactly what happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.”

Tonight however, Bing West, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense, told Greta Van Susteren,

“If that actually happened the way President Obama said it happened, there’s a paper trail and I think people reasonably enough can say, “Can we see the order?” because hundreds of others supposedly saw this order.

Obama just got caught. He lied about his securing our personnel in Benghazi. And now the world will know about it. There was no order to protect our men on the ground.

Faux Indian Elizabeth Warren`s [White] Family Killed Indians

Here are 5 faux Indians listed by Reason, I add one at the end #6:

1. Chief Jay Strongbow
2. F-Troop‘s Hekawi Tribe
3. Ward Churchill
4. Chief Seattle’s Phony Speech
5. Iron Eyes Cody, a.k.a. The Crying Indian
6. Obama

Breitbart has the genealogical crime scene of Elizabeth Warren’s family line:

Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes has discovered an August 17, 1906 article from the Muskogee (Oklahama) Times Democrat which states that John H. Crawford, the great-grandfather Elizabeth Warren claims was part Cherokee, shot and probably mortally wounded an Indian who had attacked his son. 

The 1906 article, which can be seen here, clearly states that Crawford is white. As Barnes describes it:

Elizabeth Warren is the granddaughter of Hannie Crawford, daughter of John H. Crawford. Warren says the Crawfords were Cherokee.

According to the Boston Globe,

“Rosco Crawford, Hannie Crawford’s brother, told (his granddaughter) that as a young boy living in the Creek Nation of Indian Territory, the Indians were “pretty mean.” Once, when a Creek was hitting Crawford’s younger brother, their father shot and wounded the Indian, according to her biography, on file at California State University at Fullerton.”

The story Hannie’s brother, Rosco, told his granddaughter is true.

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection elaborates: “This clipping also helps further debunk the elopement story, as Warren’s mother’s family was identified as white even in the local paper.”

…read more…

Can I Say, I Love the New Media ~ A `Republican Women` In Obama Ad Anything But (original story linked in graphic)

Via Hot Air & Gateway Pundit

Via Drudge, the inevitable finish for an ad for a President whose track record on vetting and research has been all too vividly featured in our Obamateurism series.  Earlier this week, Team Obama stepped up its War On Wimminses strategy with this ad, featuring women who identify as Republican but  who intend to vote for Barack Obama in 2012….

….It’s certainly possible that Ms. Ciano had at one time been Republican.  Her conversion to Democrat had nothing to do with Mitt Romney, or even Barack Obama, however.  And it’s difficult to ascertain exactly what about Romney would have driven the rest of them off, either.  One woman cites Romney’s desire to see Roe overturned, as if she’s never heard that argument in the four decades that Republicans have been making it.  George W. Bush made it just as much of an issue when running for President, if not more; every Republican nominee for President since Reagan has taken that position, as have most of the candidates who failed to get the nomination.  This must be one of the most low-information groups of voters ever featured in a national campaign.

It’s easy to understand why Team Obama wants to run a Republican Women for Obama ad.  Is it too much to ask that they check first to see if the women are actually Republican first?

Update: John Hinderaker delves a little deeper:

Her Facebook page is here; some of her friends congratulate her on appearing in the Obama ad. In addition to the fact that she is a registered Democrat, check out her Facebook “likes.” They make it obvious that Ms. Ciano is a devoted Democrat and a left-wing activist. Here are some of her “likes,” beginning with the earliest in time:

* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Costoftaxcuts.com
* Being Liberal
* MoveOn.org
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* Grist.org
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* UniteWomen.org
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic Party

Yeah, I know a lot of Republicans who like to join MoveOn, Think Progress, and Climate Reality (and who listen to avowed socialist Bernie Sanders).  Seriously — did Team Obama think that no one would look at Ciano’s Facebook page?

Update II: At the same link, John says another of the women — Ms. Ciano’s mother — appears to be an unlikely Republican. He’s working on checking out the rest on Facebook.

…read more and follow the updates…

Gateway points out that Mrs. Ciano’s mother is in the ad (above):

Delia is a big Rachel Maddow fan.

Another dishonest lib.
And that’s just two of the five women in the ad.
We’re still investigating the other three.

This is just more proof that the Obama Campaign will do anything, including lying, to win this election.


`Lies, and Damn Lies!` Politifact Labeled Dem Rhetoric 2011 `Lie of the Year`

Breitbart has a great story that shows that all the rhetoric used over the weekend was Politifacts “Lie of the Year” last year. I have added just a tad to a small portion from it… I suggest reading the whole post at Breitbart.

Politifact, of all places, already dismantled Democrats’ scare tactic rhetoric concerning Medicare, labeling their claims that the GOP would have ended it as “false.” In fact, the very attack that Democrats are using now was branded Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” for 2011.

The Above is Obama’s tweet, below the DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, responds to Wolf Blitzer pointing out the rhetoric in how the Democrats are framing the debate:

Here is GBTV taking on many of the generalizations and specifics in the Democratic attacks: