`Criminal, Period` (My Recent FaceBook Post) ~ Updated

Are there Democrats I know on FaceBook that think similar things happened in the Bush administration? Please, tell me them. That is, using the might of the Federal government to silence opposition or opponents.

So, Dr. Carson spoke out against Obama at the Prayer Breakfast, and Dr. Carson was audited (http://tinyurl.com/konujbp). Bill Elliot, a cancer patient who had his insurance dropped due to Obamacare, went on Fox News a month ago to speak out against Obamacare… he’s being audited by the IRS (http://tinyurl.com/k66m78f). And if you can think back a couple of weeks, 13-Billion was coughed up by JP Morgan-Chase… there are rumors that the legal action started AFTER they criticized the Obama admin. (http://tinyurl.com/l3yedhf).

And there are more cases: http://tinyurl.com/kpnvk3u

A word comes to mind… mmmm… CRIMINAL!

Which brings me to another point, and this is very important… and while it deals with a comparison of George Soros and the Koch Brothers we hear demonized all the time, it deals — really with the chasm between left and right. And why the Left always uses government power to minimize the freedoms of the person by growing the influence of the government, whereas, a conservative (read here “right”) wants to increase the persons size/freedom by shrinking government. Enjoy:

And any person should acknowledge why someone should “fear” government more than business. In fact, I made this point on my FB outgrowth of this blog in talking to my liberal friend:

…the was to show how the Obama admin is stacking the books with GM. You see, when the government chooses winners-and-losers instead of getting contracts with private companies (like Ford, GM, etc. ~ http://youtu.be/AOvar8AR1IQ), they are invested to [i.e., forced to] only choose a government run business and stock their fish (so-to-speak) with GM fleets… leaving the non-government company to flounder.

This next audio deals with the differences of the Koch brothers, in comparison to the Left’s version of them, Soros. There are many areas that one can discuss about the two… but let us focus in on the main/foundational difference. One wants a large government that is able to legislate more than just what kind of light-bulbs one can use in the privacy of their own home. Soros wants large government able to control a large portion of the economy (see link to chart below), and he has been very vocal on this goal. The other party always mentioned are the Koch brothers. These rich conservatives want a weak government. A government that cannot effect our daily lives nearly as much (personal, business, etc) as the Soros enterprise wants. And really, if you think about it, what business can really “harm” you, when people come to my door with pistols on their hip… are they a) more likely to be from GM, or, b) from the IRS?

The possibility of them being from the IRS is even more possible with the passing of Obama-Care [i.e., larger government]. So the “fear” (audio in next comment: https://vimeo.com/16928408) I think the Left has of “Big-Business” is unfounded, and the problem comes when big-business gets in bed with big-government. Here I am thinking of (like with the penalties that were found to be Constitutional in the recent SCOTUS decision) a government that can penalize you if you do not buy a Chevy Volt, or some other green car in order to save the planet. When this happens, guys coming to my door because of unpaid (hypothetical… but historical examples abound of the tax history of our nation) “fines” are likely to be IRS agents because of a personal choice made in the “free-market.”

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mh757k6

The idea of smaller/larger government was really brought home to me via Prager:

One last point, the most important. Unlike big business when it makes mistakes, big government cannot go out of business. Unlike corrupt government, corrupt business cannot print money and thereby devalue a nation’s currency. Businesses cannot coerce you by force (tax liens, garnishing of wages, or armed IRS officials, etc) into an action. So the “greed” of the corporation pales in comparison to the greed of government [Dennis Prager, Still the Best Hope (New York, NY: Broadside Books, 2012), 35-36]. Which is why our Founders stated that, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government” (Patrick Henry); “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master” (George Washington).

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/92l55cf