The House of Representatives passed the AHCA (H.R. 1628: American Health Care Act of 2017) today, and Dennis Prager had Betsy McCaughey on his show today to discuss the bill and some of the media and Democratic distortions of it. (See her BIO) A great discussion about the bill and failures of the ACA.
H.R. 1628

Dennis Prager Interviews Stephen Moore On H.R. 1628
Dennis Prager interviews Stephen Moore of the Heritage Institute to discuss the passing of American Health Care Act (AHCA). This was a BIG win for free-marketeers, as Mr. Moore notes.

Video of the House Passing H.R. 1628 (The AHCA)
Read what the bill kept, dropped, or tweaked: “Summary of H.R. 1628: American Health Care Act of 2017” | Thank you GOP…
…Here are the names of the “no” votes via ROLL CALL:
- Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs
- Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman
- Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock
- Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan A. Costello
- Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent
- New York Rep. Dan Donovan
- Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
- Washington Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler
- Texas Rep. Will Hurd
- North Carolina Rep. Walter B. Jones
- Ohio Rep. David Joyce
- New York Rep. John Katko
- New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance
- New Jersey Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo
- Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie
- Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Meehan
- Washington Rep. Dave Reichert
- Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- New Jersey Rep. Christopher H. Smith
- Ohio Rep. Michael R. Turner