This is a shortened, 45-minute version of an almost 3-hour talk where a Muslim woman comes to a saving knowledge of Christ on Avery’s [GodLogic Apologetics] VLOG, or livestream.
GodLogic Apologetics

Muhammad & Aisha | The Controversial Child Marriage
Islam: Muhammad & Aisha [ The Controversial Child Marriage ]
If one wishes to see the Hadith’s involved in this topic, see Answering Islam’s posts on the topic:
- Muhammad and Aisha Revisited: An Examination of Muhammad’s Marriage to a Prepubescent Girl And Its Moral Implications
Before linking some of the debates and sources used in the opening video I have to repost this video debate between GODLOGIC and a Muslim:
Muslim Goes Silent When He Has To Admit Allah’s a Pedophile
I say Allah is a pedophile IF the Qur’an is the word of Allah, sent word for word and preserved perfectly by the perfect man [obviously a false god].
I found this video pretty amazing. Firstly, I dig the patience GodLogic has. But the main thing about this video is that when the Muslim goes silent he is testifying to the conscience the Real God has placed in us — and by doing so, he is showing that “Allah” is not God, but an evil creation of the groupthink of Islam inspired by demons. When the truth comes in, the cover up begins. The long silence proves this:
- For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)
Thirdly, the funny line in the video is this: “No Hitta – No Iddah” You will see what I mean. This seems long and drawn out, but it is not if you understand what is going on.
Okay, here are some resources (mainly video debates or discussion about Islam’s position of Allah blessing pedophiles).
DEBATE: Is Child Marriage Acceptable? Islam vs Christianity (YOUTUBE) – 2-hours long
- Inspiring Philosophy’s review of his debate – almost 3-hours long
- Inspiring Philosophy and Apostate Prophet review the debate – just over 3-hours
FIERY DEBATE Was Muhammad’s Marriage to Aisha Ethical? | David Wood Acts17Apologetics Vs Kenny Bomer (YOUTUBE) – 2 1/2 hours
HEATED DEBATE Was Muhammad’s Marriage to Aisha Immoral? Acts17Apologetics David Wood Vs Kenny Bomer (YOUTUBE) – 2 hours
Too Young to Wed: The Secret World of Child Brides (YOUTUBE) – 11-minutes
Act17Apologetics 2-page PDF tract (tri-fold)

GodLogic Routes Sheikh Uthman’s Challenge Regarding Jesus’ Divinity
The Sheikh brings up Mark 13:32, and the response by Austin is an excellent response to the challenge, both in the verses from Mark 13:1-31, as well as explaining the issue deeper with 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 and Acts 1:6-7:

Muslim Goes Silent When He Has To Admit Allah’s a Pedophile
I say Allah is a pedophile IF the Qur’an is the word of Allah, sent word for word and preserved perfectly by the perfect man [obviously a false god].
I found this video pretty amazing. Firstly, I dig the patience GodLogic has. But the main thing about this video is that when the Muslim goes silent he is testifying to the conscience the Real God has placed in us — and by doing so, he is showing that “Allah” is not God, but an evil creation of the groupthink of Islam inspired by demons. When the truth comes in, the cover up begins. The long silence proves this:
- For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)
Thirdly, the funny line in the video is this: “No Hitta – No Iddah” You will see what I mean. This seems long and drawn out, but it is not if you understand what is going on.