In a “weenie” move, an official campaign representative got on Fox News and responded to the charge of murder with, “well, if this person had lived where Romney was Governor, she would have had health-care.” Rush Limbaugh discusses this spineless move:
We will not win with this strategy! That is, a strategy that does not include a backbone. If Romney won’t do it, get Chris Christie as the VP/Pit Bull.
Hot Air makes the point that this crazy class warfare does have consequences. Lower revenue!
In light of President Obama’s exhortation to hike taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year earlier today, here’s a well-timed piece of evidence demonstrating what happens when you decide you’d rather engage in populist persecution and punish the wealthy for their economic contributions rather than make tough budget-cutting decisions. A new report indicates that the state of Maryland is bleeding residents and tax revenue — an emigration likely due to the wildly blue state’s recent tax hikes.
The study, by the anti-tax group Change Maryland, says that a net 31,000 residents left the state between 2007 and 2010, the tenure of a “millionaire’s tax” pushed through by Gov. Martin O’Malley. The tax, which expired in 2010, in imposed a rate of 6.25 percent on incomes of more than $1 million a year.
The Change Maryland study found that the tax cost Maryland $1.7 billion in lost tax revenues. A county-by-county analysis by Change Maryland also found that the state’s wealthiest counties also had some of the largest population outflows.
In total, Maryland has added 24 new taxes or fees in recent years, Change Maryland says. Florida, which has no income-tax, has been a large recipient of Maryland’s exiled wealthy.
“Maryland has reached the point of diminishing returns. We’re taxing people too much and people are voting with their feet,” said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. “Until we change our focus from tax increases to increasing the tax base, more people are simply going to leave, leading to a downward spiral of raising revenues on fewer citizens.”
In 2011 alone, a record 1,800 individuals renounced their United States citizenship — and if that doesn’t provide a red flag about our tax code, I don’t know what does.
Here’s just one case in point that broke earlier today:
Denise Rich, the wealthy socialite and former wife of pardoned billionaire trader Marc Rich, has given up her U.S. citizenship – and, with it, much of her U.S. tax bill.
Rich, 68, a Grammy-nominated songwriter and glossy figure in Democratic and European royalty circles, renounced her American passport in November, according to her lawyer. …
By dumping her U.S. passport, Rich likely will save tens of millions of dollars or more in U.S. taxes over the long haul, tax lawyers say.
(CBS News) When Facebook begins selling its stock, several people who own part of the company will become billionaires.
One of them is getting a lot of flack, because he’s giving up his U.S. citizenship right before Facebook goes public. That will save Eduardo Saverin a fortune in taxes.
Saverin is being hailed in some quarters for drawing attention to high taxes. He plans to continue living the high life, in Singapore, where there are no capital gains taxes.
The liberal mantra coming after the Wis. recall election is likely to be that it isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things and that it has little to no implication for the fall election. But that’s not how they were treating it months ago.
The group American Future Fund has come out with a scathing and telling ad showing how important liberals such as Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore, and Russ Feingold thought the election was before Tuesday’s results. It cleverly opens with the question, “Do you recall?”