The 2012 Election Officially Begins-Ding Ding!

I just wanted to post some links to very recent videos from the mainstream media that changed tenor just as recently. While the media has stayed somewhat biased… they really took a licking in November and were honest about some of the issues put forth because of the election and the election results. Now however, they have given us a “fair month” and they are gearing up for a long 2-years to get Obama re-elected. This is just the beginning:

CBS Celebrates “Hero” Pelosi In an October 17 Sunday Morning profile, correspondent Rita Braver lauded Speaker Nancy Pelosi as an “irresistible force,” “a hero in some quarters” and “one of the most effective Speakers in congressional history.”

Lesley Stahl Touts Jimmy Carter as Presidential Success Story Profiling Jimmy Carter for the September 19 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl touted how Carter “got more of his programs passed” than other recent presidents, and flattered Carter by telling him how even his critics call him “a fantastic ex-President. You hear that all the time.”

CBS’s Braver Offers Puffball Profile to Eric Holder On the September 12 CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Rita Braver cooed over Attorney General Eric Holder, who “ignores political pressure” and drew a “hero’s welcome” in contrast to Bush-era “cronyism and questionable policies.”

Jon Stewart Rips Sen. McCain’s Opposition to Repeal of DADT Jon Stewart chides McCain for being behind the times on gay rights. Stewart compared McCain to a crazy Japanese soldier living in the jungle years after World War II, but still fighting the war.

Diane Sawyer Salutes Pelosi: “Epic Blend of Persuasion, Muscle and Will” After the House voted to pass ObamaCare, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer celebrated with the “indefatigable, unwavering” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the March 22 World News.

Time’s Joe Klein: BP Oil Spill Is Really “Bush’s Second Katrina” On the May 30 Chris Matthews Show, Time’s Joe Klein dismissed the idea that the poor government reaction to the Gulf oil spill reflected badly on President Obama. Referring to the 2005 hurricane, Klein argued: “This is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first.”

NBC Touts Achievements of Obama’s Stimulus On the February 17, 2010 NBC Nightly News, correspondent Lisa Myers cast Obama’s big government “stimulus” package as a huge success that “created jobs and helped pull the economy out of a huge recession.”

Diane Sawyer Salutes Pelosi: “Epic Blend of Persuasion, Muscle and Will” After the House voted to pass ObamaCare, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer celebrated with the “indefatigable, unwavering” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the March 22 World News.

Time’s Joe Klein: BP Oil Spill Is Really “Bush’s Second Katrina” On the May 30 Chris Matthews Show, Time’s Joe Klein dismissed the idea that the poor government reaction to the Gulf oil spill reflected badly on President Obama. Referring to the 2005 hurricane, Klein argued: “This is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first.”

The Republican Party: “Running On Hate and Division for 50 Years” Fill-in host Cenk Uygur took MSNBC’s normal pro-Democratic spin to absurd lengths on August 26, claiming that the GOP “has been running on hate and division for the last 50 years,” and that if any minority voted Republican “they might as well hang a sign around their neck saying ‘I hate myself.'”

CNN Anchor: “Most” Uncivil Discourse Comes from Conservatives Filling in as anchor of CNN’s Rick’s List on April 9, Don Lemon claimed that “much, much more” of the “violence and the name calling” in American politics is from the “Republican and conservative side….It’s coming mostly, mainly from one side.”

NBC’s Todd Empathizes with Obama: “Are You Frustrated” by Lack of Public Approval? Interviewing President Obama on the July 16 Hardball, NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd empathized over the lack of public appreciation for The Great One’s deeds: “You’ve had an enormous amount of legislative victories…[but] it has not translated into political capital with the public. Honestly, are you frustrated by that?”

NBC’s Lauer Touts Obama’s Economic Achievements: “Aren’t We Better Off?” Sparring with Republican Mitt Romney on the March 2 Today, NBC’s Matt Lauer applauded the Obama administration’s economic record: “Aren’t we better off?…Had the administration not taken some of the steps it did take, though, might not that unemployment figure be at 12 or 13 percent?”

Smiles and Smirks held back from both sides here (the PALIN NARRATIVE Exemplified)

It is in the Left’s best interest to keep Palin front and center and to keep the narrative we hear from the liberal — excuse me… the leftist — on this show alive. Unfortunately, many conservatives join in this narrative. You can see Charles bitingly critical swipe at the mainstream media (news mainstream) all the while holding back a smirk… as he does when the “Palin narrative” is expressed from left-field:

Good News in the Bad and Crazy!

I think we conservatives should all be happy that the Obama administration is in complete and irreparable meltdown. We can add to Hugh Hewitt’s great rant the one judge in California overturning 7,000,000 voters, to Maxine “Marxist” Waters and Charlie “in a pinch” Rangels ethics charges, to the Commander in Chief supporting a Mosque and Imam who has terrorist ties and dirty money to build his project with. This is all coming up to bite the Dems in the ass in November.  I already posted this, but look at all this with the eyes that the Dems are sealing their defeat.

Here is how wrote about it:

President Barack Obama’s endorsement of the Ground Zero mosque has transformed an emotion-laden local dispute in New York into a nationwide debate overnight, setting nervous Democrats on edge and creating potentially dramatic political implications in the upcoming midterm elections.

Key Republicans think the president bought himself some political trouble by using his White House bully pulpit to announce his support for a controversial plan to build an Islamic center just blocks from nearly 3,000 people died in Manhattan at the hands of Islamic extremists on 9/11.


Obama has put Democrats from coast to coast in the tough position of having to weigh in on an issue they’d rather duck. Prior to his speech, a few candidates tried with limited success to make the proposed mosque an issue outside of the tri-state area around New York City. Now any Democrat facing an election – less than three months away – can be put in the uncomfortable position of being asked to reject the president’s stand or side with him.

Several New York Democrats either involved with members of Congress or strategists said privately that they are not happy about the speech because it puts them in a bind. A recent CNN polls found two-thirds of Americans oppose building the mosque in the neighborhood around Ground Zero.

They’re afraid to be up front in the same way as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who got national press for supporting the mosque but who is not facing a reelection campaign.

It’s going to be one of the most memorable – and debated statements – of the president’s first two years in office….

…(read more)…

Besides all the presidents tying together bad lines of non-related thinking. He also said something about U.S. History at this speech that was just flat wrong! A twisting of the truth.

Obama Misstates History… But It Sounds Good from Papa Giorgio on Vimeo.

Obama Sticker Removal – $10

A funny report from Freedom Dogs, the picture says it all:

Got this e-mail an hour ago from a friend I trust. This is not one of those bulk chain mails that pops up in 24 point in 4 colors of type.

My brother just now emailed this picture he took while traveling just past Siren, Wisconsin.

Am I the last person to have noticed that it’s not so easy to spot Obama bumperstickers anymore?

Yesterday, I looked at most every car I passed, both parked and moving. I couldn’t find any! They are still out there, but they seem to be a bit harder to find now. I noticed a few cars that had apparent scratchings on the bumper where a sticker once was. I’m sure they were probably Bush-Cheney ’04 stickers. Oh wait…we never saw any more than one or two of those in Uptown to begin with.

I saw one car that had a peace sign on the back. It was a big 6-inch diameter chicken foot emblem. Time was, if you saw a peace sign, there was always an Obama sticker next to it. Not this time.

If you want to remove an Obama sticker, just add oil. It rubs right out.