Breaking News: Amy Winehouse Dead at 27
Fox Detroit Does Some Undercover Work-Again
WJBK in Detroit catches these bailout recipients red handed–again. I’m sure these union workers assumed they had a “right” to party during their lunch breaks:
This time our video shows workers a mile from the plant, but just steps away from a United Auto Workers hall. It’s the same kind of problem at a different location with a new method of having a good time; inhaling lunch before finishing a plant shift.
Chrysler Auto Workers in Trenton Caught Smoking and Drinking During Lunch Breaks: MyFoxDETROIT.com
Sad (Charlie Sheen) (Updated With Songs)
Countries at War-Not Only Mexico (mature rating)
I have come across some video as of late in regards to Brazil’s war that is growing to be similar to Mexico’s war. (Since I am not familiar with Central and South America’s problems as much as I should, maybe Mexico is becoming like Brazil?) In this first video you have a police sniper killing a drug dealer:
This second video comes with thanks to FireArm Blog, and while FAB zeroed in the weapons used in the video, I am worried more about the house-to-house warfare these people (right or wrong) find themselves in. It solidifies the blessings we have here. But you can quote me, the anarcho-left is on the rise and will respond to the bulk of the people sticking to their conservative positions. I would say enjoy, but considering the topic:
This video, probably filmed by a police officer, shows police officers in Rio clearing a favela (slum). (Comments on the YouTube site mention that these are regular police and not BOPE, I do not know enough to say this is their SWAT or not – but I thought I should at least pass on the debate about it.)
Drug Cartels Murdered 10,000 people this Year So Far
Out of control!
Drug Cartel-Related Murders Exceed 10,000 for Year So Far, According to a Mexican Newspaper Tally
Cartel-related murders in Mexico’s drug war have surpassed 10,000 so far this year, according to a tally kept by the Mexican newspaper Reforma.
As of November 19, the newspaper’s Ejecutómetro (execution-meter) stood at 10,514 for 2010. With an estimated 230 killings a week in the last two months, the cartel-related murders for 2010 could reach 12,000 by the end of the year.
The 2010 murder tally in Mexico is about 60 percent higher than the 2009 count of 6,587. Chihuahua, the Mexican state that includes what is arguably one of the most violent cities in the world, Ciudad Juárez, continues to be the deadliest, with 2,912 executions so far this year.
In the last eight weeks, there have been approximately 66 killings a week in Chihuahua, most of them happening in Ciudad Juárez, which borders El Paso, Texas.
Great Prop 19 Cartoon
Prop 19-I think the safety arguments are the most powerful
(72 Bodies Found Near Border) Sue Arizona and Ignore Main Issue-Way To Go Dems
A horrible story that should hopefully finally get the Left to take a position… rather than suing Arizona over stopping this crime from coming across their border.
Mexican Military Finds 72 Bodies Near Border
Mexican marines discovered the 72 bodies—58 men and 14 women —on Tuesday after the lone survivor of the massacre, a wounded migrant from Ecuador, stumbled into a Navy checkpoint the previous day and told of being shot on Monday at a nearby ranch, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.
When the marines went to investigate, they were met with a hail of gunfire from cartel gunmen holed up at the ranch, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. One marine and three alleged gunmen died during a two-hour battle, which ended when the gunmen fled in a fleet of SUVs, leaving behind a cache of weapons.
The Ecuadorean migrant told investigators that his captors identified themselves as members of the Zetas drug gang, said Vice Adm. Jose Luis Vergara, a spokesman for the Mexican navy.
“This illustrates that organized crime has no limits or moral qualms about what they are prepared to do,” Alejandro Poire, head of the government’s national-security council, told a news conference.
The incident highlights the extent to which Mexican drug gangs, which used to focus exclusively on ferrying narcotics such as cocaine to the U.S., have diversified into other lucrative criminal activities such as human smuggling and extortion.
At the going rate of $5,000 to $7,000 charged by smugglers to cross the U.S. border, the 72 people represented about $500,000 to the drug gang, said Alberto Islas, a Mexico City-based security consultant. The gang may have simply killed the migrants after they refused to give them more money than they had already given them, he said.
Mexican officials said they didn’t know why the migrants—believed to be from El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador and Brazil—were killed. Mexican newspapers, citing an unnamed federal official, speculated that the migrants were killed for either refusing to give the drug gang more money to cross the border, or for declining to join the gang’s criminal activities as drug couriers, gunmen or prostitutes….
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Cage Fighter Kills Buddy In Belief He Was Possessed
I heard this on the way home from dropping my son and nephew off at school on KROQ (The Kevin & Bean Show). I had to add it to the “crime” section:
A U.S. cage fighter ripped out the heart of his training partner while he was still alive after becoming convinced he was possessed by the devil, it was alleged today.
Jarrod Wyatt also cut out Taylor Powell’s tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault that police said looked like a scene from a horror film, officers said.
They claim they found the 26-year-old standing naked over his friend’s body with parts, including an eyeball, strewn around the blood splattered room in Klamath, California.
Wyatt allegedly told police he had drunk a cup of tea spiked with hallucinogenic mushrooms and became convinced Powell was possessed.
According to an autopsy Powell, 21, bled to death after his heart was ripped out.
The coroner said Powell had been alive when the organ was ripped out after his chest had been sliced open with a knife.
Wyatt told the police he thrown the heart into a fire along with other organs that he had removed from the body, it was claimed.
He allegedly told investigators he cooked the body parts because he was fearful Powell was still alive and he ‘needed to stop the Devil’….
…(read more)…
Here are a few of his fights:
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