Janice Fiamengo mentioned the voice of this stron icon of feminism taking on the Senate… funny enough Rachel Butera, a voice actress, nails Christine Blasey Ford’s voice:
Christine Blasey Ford
Dr. Ford Not A Credible Witness |UPDATED|
The Democrats real game-plan:
- …Cory Booker explain[ed] on Tuesday that “ultimately” it doesn’t matter if Kavanaugh is “guilty or innocent,” because “enough questions” had been raised that it was time to “move on to another candidate.” (NEW YORK TIMES)
What the American public see is something entirely different than what the Dems see:
Trump merely repeats the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford — BOOM STICK!
Here are two good posts from Facebook I wanna share as well as some updated testimony by the “witnesses named.” Here is the first by COMMON SENSE SOAPBOX:
- July 30 (to Dianne Feinstein): “It was me and four other people.”
- August 7 (to polygraph examiner): “There were four boys and a couple of girls.”
- September 16 (to Washington Post reporter): “There were three boys and one girl.”
The above graphic comes by way of POWERLINE (click it to enlarge), and here is the description: “…James Freeman observes that journalists seem to have lost interest in trying to ascertain whether Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee was accurate. Her story is shot through with holes. [….] He made the graphic illustration below drawing on public sources – ‘mainly the Washington Post and public legal documents’.”
USA TODAY continues to zero in on the “credibility” issues Blasey Ford has:
COMMON SENSE SOAPBOX then references another Facebook post… and let me just say, she (Dr. Ford) writes like a child, almost like she is mentally ill:
HOT AIR has a great post on this discrepancy: “Pull the other one, sir. It’s got bells on it. Ford’s story, confirmed by nobody else she claims was present, including her lifelong friend, has been shifting and getting dodgier by the day.”
LIE DETECTOR TEST – Different Story
LIE DETECTOR TEST – Only 2 Questions
SHE LIED ABOUT FLYING (to obstruct hearing date)
Here are two stories to start the point:
Now, here is the issue, this goes to show that this is not genuine but merely political. And it shows as well that Dr. Ford is willing to lie about even small items regarding herself to make a political point (by stalling a hearing):
In her testimony on Thursday, Dr. Ford stated that she put a second door on her house in 2012. However, in dated pictures, the second door was already installed in March of 2011 (GATEWAY PUNDIT):
Here is Christina Ford’s claim:
- One evening that summer, after a day of swimming at the club, I attended a small gathering at a house in the Chevy Chase/Bethesda area. There were four boys I remember being there: Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth, and one other boy whose name I cannot recall.
MARK JUDGE (see testimony [PDF])
Judge categorically denies the event Dr. Ford described. He is also eager to talk to the FBI. IN FACT, two other men have come forwards voluntarily offering that they are the people Dr. Ford encountered.
CNN reports that ” Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford’s.”
>> Also see BREITBART <<
P.J. SMYTH (see testimony [PDF])
- “I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh. Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.” (TOWNHALL)
Other testimonies:
NEW: Montgomery County (Md) police chief and prosecutor release letter “.. stand ready to investigate any sexual assault allegation from any victim where the incident occurred in our jurisdiction”
EDITOR’S NOTE: If these women walked into the police station and gave testimony for a police report, if found lying could be criminally prosecuted. WHICH IS WHY THEY HAVE NOT DONE THINS! They know that even if caught in a lie, politics ties the hands of Repoublicans going after Dr. Ford. But not a local Police Department.
“I can’t say everything is truthful” (RED STATE)
Wednesday on the radio, Mark Levin addressed the latest sexual assault allegations raised against Judge Brett Kavanaugh and pointed out a pattern:
Just some separate responses to some Facebook comments:
- BTW, just as a passing observation. With what the Left feels is the “bar to reach” as a nominee to the Supreme Court, they are insuring conservative, Evangelical, Catholic, and Mormon nominees in the future. People who were raised religiously from birth, went to private schools (or were home schooled, then off to religious based (Catholic or Protestant) type universities (like St. John’s or Biola). In other words, I would bet a person being “left of center” their whole life would have less “firewalls” to act out their passions as students. And so, open themselves up to similar tactics… which will succeed at a greater rate.
- I was thinking about this. IF THIS happened (which I doubt) I have two thoughts. The first being perception versus reality. I heard a caller on a radio show mention this and it made a lot of sense. she said that her and her friends went to quite a few parties as young teenagers… and that if she asked each one of her friends about an event that happened that one of these parties they would all have differing perspectives of the real event. Especially an event from so many years ago. We even see this in the gospels where a lot of times the writers saw the same event but wrote differently about it based on the importance that they saw in it or who they were writing to. So to dr. Ford’s perceived reality is probably different than the actual event — again even if it took place at all.
- …if this did happen, is, I imagine most girls that went to House Parties and indulged in drinking and hanging out with teenage boys, we’re felt up at one point or another. Not always, but the idea is not far-fetched. For her to be traumatized for an entire life by not even having any clothes removed is more a commentary on the constitution of left-leaning women. They are the founders of safe spaces and the “snowflake” generation. Modern feminism weakens the woman, and does not empower.
- A book that deals with repressed memories in modern psychology entitled, “Confabulations: Creating False Memories, Destroying Families,” shows that bad memories come out of these sessions were repressed memories are supposedly remembered again. I had heard that this is how Dr Ford finally recalled these memories. Whether this is true or not I do not know, but the book is a good read.
UPDATE For years I have known that hypnosis as a psychotherapy is dangerous. Most of the “alien abduction” stories, or contacts with spirits or past historical figures comes from some altered state of mind. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus mentions hypnosis in her TED-TALKS which I edit into the below audio a bit. I mentioned to a cyber acquaintance that I wonder if part of her (Christine Blasey Ford) therapy included hypnosis. This is what he said (I will emphasize the main point):
- The timing of the specificity of her memories is certainly disquieting, but unless we learn more about her therapy, it will be hard for this to be more than speculation. It seems very likely that the name “Kavanaugh” never in fact came up until this summer, despite reports to the contrary.
True dat. HOWEVER, new information has come forward to bolster the hypnosis angle. Here is a great post by GATEWAY PUNDIT:
My cyber acquaintance’s response after reading the story above? “Wow” Continuing on now with the previous post:
- If I’ve learned anything from my decades working on these problems, it’s this: Just because somebody tells you something and they say it with lots of confidence, detail, and emotion does not mean that it really happened. We can’t reliably distinguish true memories from false memories; WE NEED INDEPENDENT CORROBORATION. Such a discovery has made me more tolerant of friends and family who misremember. Such a discovery might have saved Steve Titus. We should all keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing. — Dr. Loftus
The only book I have read from years ago is “Confabulations: Creating False Memories, Destroying Families.” I would be curious to know if some of the counseling for Dr. Ford included hypnosis. I would also like to know the factors used to “recover” Ms. Ramirez’s memory. There have been many more studies based a lot more in control groups and the scientific method:
- The Memory Illusion: Remembering, Forgetting, and the Science of False Memory
- Witness for the Defense: The Accused, the Eyewitness and the Expert Who Puts Memory on Trial
- The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse
- Memory Warp: How the Myth of Repressed Memory Arose and Refuses to Die
- Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives
National Review has an excellent article regarding the issue of false memories, “‘False Memories’ Are More Common Than You Think”. In this excellent radio segment by the JOHN & KEN SHOW I add video and end in humor to embolden the idea herein.
Rachel Mitchell’s Memo | Mark Levin
Mark Levin reads from a memo, written by the sex-crimes prosecutor Republicans hired to question Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Kavanaugh at last week’s hearing (Rachel Mitchell), that points out numerous inconsistencies and lack of corroboration for Ms. Blasey Ford’s account of the sexual assault she says she suffered when they were in high school 36 years ago.. Enjoy, this is classic Levin!
The below is from ZERO HEDGE, not a favorite site to visit (some wild-eyed conspiracy hacks over there), but this is a good summation of the memo (the WASHINGTON TIMES and NATIONAL REVIEW has a good article as well):
False Memory Candidates – Hypnosis Update!
UPDATE For years I have known that hypnosis as a psychotherapy is dangerous. Most of the “alien abduction” stories, or contacts with spirits or past historical figures comes from some altered state of mind. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus mentions hypnosis in her TED-TALKS which I edit into the below audio a bit. I mentioned to a cyber acquaintance that I wonder if part of her (Christine Blasey Ford) therapy included hypnosis. This is what he said (I will emphasize the main point):
- The timing of the specificity of her memories is certainly disquieting, but unless we learn more about her therapy, it will be hard for this to be more than speculation. It seems very likely that the name “Kavanaugh” never in fact came up until this summer, despite reports to the contrary.
True dat. HOWEVER, new information has come forward to bolster the hypnosis angle. Here is a great post by GATEWAY PUNDIT:
My cyber acquaintance’s response after reading the story above? “Wow” Continuing on now with the previous post:
- If I’ve learned anything from my decades working on these problems, it’s this: Just because somebody tells you something and they say it with lots of confidence, detail, and emotion does not mean that it really happened. We can’t reliably distinguish true memories from false memories; WE NEED INDEPENDENT CORROBORATION. Such a discovery has made me more tolerant of friends and family who misremember. Such a discovery might have saved Steve Titus. We should all keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing. — Dr. Loftus
The only book I have read from years ago is “Confabulations: Creating False Memories, Destroying Families.” I would be curious to know if some of the counseling for Dr. Ford included hypnosis. I would also like to know the factors used to “recover” Ms. Ramirez’s memory. There have been many more studies based a lot more in control groups and the scientific method:
- The Memory Illusion: Remembering, Forgetting, and the Science of False Memory
- Witness for the Defense: The Accused, the Eyewitness and the Expert Who Puts Memory on Trial
- The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse
- Memory Warp: How the Myth of Repressed Memory Arose and Refuses to Die
- Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives
National Review has an excellent article regarding the issue of false memories, “‘False Memories’ Are More Common Than You Think”. In this excellent radio segment by the JOHN & KEN SHOW I add video and end in humor to embolden the idea herein.
Alan Dershowitz on Christine Blasey Ford’s Inquisition
Alan Dershowitz discusses the earlier “prerequisites” to testify. Professor Dershowitz calls on the ACLU and other civil libertarians tp publicly reject the idea that the accused goes first — LIKENING it to the Inquisitions. A great commentary by a man who leans Left.
GATEWAY PUNDIT notes (as do I):