President Obama made many promises to the American people regarding health care reform — but the Affordable Care Act was destined to fail. Why? Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institute explains why government-run health care is not the answer.
British Nation Health Service
British NHS Bans Term “Expectant Mother”
Dennis Prager reads about the British Nation Health Service’s new guidelines about “gender inclusiveness.” The Left is tearing apart norms of science and logic, as well as common sense. Below is a commentary by RED STATE after they quote the official NHS guidelines:
…The British National Health service recently released guidelines demanding employees no longer refer to a pregnant woman as an “expectant mother” as it is “non-inclusive” of transgender men women people. The Daily Mail reported the story.
NHS doctors have been told not to call pregnant women ‘expectant mothers’ because it might offend transgender people, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The astonishing warning comes in official guidelines issued by the British Medical Association to its 160,000 members, which says mothers-to-be should be referred to as ‘pregnant people’ instead.
The controversial advice to doctors in hospitals and general practice comes just weeks after it emerged that a Briton who was born a girl but is changing to a man put his operation on hold to have a baby.
Four-months pregnant Hayden Cross, 20, is legally male and has had hormone treatment but not sex-change surgery.
There are no other known cases of a transitioning person becoming pregnant in the UK, but official figures show 775,000 women give birth in Britain every year.
There is so much to unpack here but the take-away is that womanhood is no longer defined by women. I won’t rehash everything wrong with the idea of “gender theory” (again, you can read my previous column on that here) but what strikes me as quite unsettling is the idea that though not one other case of a “man” (by legal definition but not gender) having a baby has been reported yet the NHS is shifting their entire agency policy to accommodate one person. All women who proudly carry the term “expectant mother” are now expected to shift their feelings and motherly pride to bend to the will of one person.
That’s terrifying.
This gender theory madness makes victims of women over and over again. The only end result is that it empowers men to define “womanhood”. Hayden is biologically a woman, but let’s go with the British law on this and call her a man (as is her wish). Here is a man saying that we women don’t even get decide what we call our unique ability to bear life and now aren’t even allowed to claim that mantle as uniquely female and defining of our gender.
It’s very confusing but let me see if I can sort this out: men aren’t allowed to tell women what to do with their bodies when it comes to abortion, but when it comes to giving birth men are allowed to dictate whether or not we are allowed to even call it “motherhood”, which is what it’s been since ALWAYS.
Also, women aren’t to be defined by their vaginas but we just endured angry, nationwide protests by women proudly wearing “p***y hats” and fake vaginas on their heads to symbolize the supposed misogyny of the current administration.
If men can have babies (which they can’t, people. They can’t. It’s S.C.I.E.N.C.E.), periods, and breasts; if men can shun the societal construct of “manly” behavior to proudly include characteristics we’ve traditionally defined as female; if men can even erase the distinctly female term “mother” then what the hell are women good for anymore?
We can stop protesting, Women’s March feminists! There is no such thing as “woman” anymore….