Most of the actual Democratic National Convention events take place during daytime hours. And if you saw what they were saying during the day, you might flee the country.
A panelist at the Democratic National Convention says: “We’re talking about abolishing the police…ICE…prisons.” From a virtual panel at the Democratic National Convention on 8/18/2020.
Democratic National Convention panelist Ashley McCray explains how she wants to use the Green New Deal to further the “destruction” of capitalism. During a meeting of the Youth Council of the Democratic National Committee on 8/17/2020.
(Another “God Damn America!” speech) A pastor at the DNC convention said that America “may well go to hell” if we don’t have open borders, when he appeared at the DNC virtual convention on 8/17/2020.
At the Democratic National Convention, Democratic- Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders bragged that his “radical” ideas are now “mainstream” in Joe Biden’s Democrat party, when he spoke at the DNC on 8/17/2020.