Some Radical DNC Highlights (Tucker Update)

Most of the actual Democratic National Convention events take place during daytime hours. And if you saw what they were saying during the day, you might flee the country.

A panelist at the Democratic National Convention says: “We’re talking about abolishing the police…ICE…prisons.” From a virtual panel at the Democratic National Convention on 8/18/2020.

Democratic National Convention panelist Ashley McCray explains how she wants to use the Green New Deal to further the “destruction” of capitalism. During a meeting of the Youth Council of the Democratic National Committee on 8/17/2020.

(Another “God Damn America!” speech) A pastor at the DNC convention said that America “may well go to hell” if we don’t have open borders, when he appeared at the DNC virtual convention on 8/17/2020.

At the Democratic National Convention, Democratic- Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders bragged that his “radical” ideas are now “mainstream” in Joe Biden’s Democrat party, when he spoke at the DNC on 8/17/2020.

