Gay Patriot does an excellent job in calling out the fascination of the extremist left’s enchantment with totalitarian “art.”
Shepard Fairey continues to establish himself as the Valentina Kulagina of American Socialism, coming with new iconography for the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Socialists, for some reason, really love this kind of stuff, the mating of terrible ideas with stunning graphic design.
The People’s Cube mock’s it by putting it side-by-side for comparison:
…Enter Shepard Fairey, the favorite visual agitator and propagandist of the American Left. We don’t think he considers himself a fascist at all. It’s just that when he tries to think of the coolest possible visual for a socialist candidate like Bernie Sanders, he comes up with a design that not only screams “national socialism” due to its style and execution, but directly imitates the elements and composition of Nazi paraphernalia…
The Daily Caller will finish off this post with some points of interest:
Shepard Fairey, the “artist” who “created” that iconic image, is back. And you’ll never guess which presidential candidate he’s supporting this time!
Fairey says he’s “tired of portraits” and wants to focus on “principles, not personalities.” This is a tacit admission that he was a credulous dupe back in ’08, and he played a big role in manufacturing Obama’s fraudulent cult of personality. And if Fairey is “tired of portraits,” that might be because he stole a photo of Obama from the Associated Press to make the “HOPE” poster, then lied about it during the huge legal mess, and his own lawyers quit, and it was a whole big thing.
But now, for the low, low price of $30, you can own another piece of American history that was designed by the “HOPE” dope himself…
For real political art, see: http://unsavoryagents.com/