Safe Rooms vs Courage (Reject Victimhood)

A comment from a woman who would make that older (non-snowflake generation) proud!

I’m getting really tired of “famous” males getting fired and making the headlines due to sexual harassment claims. All it takes is one woman who doesn’t like said male to rowdy up her bitch squad and fabricate stories. Never mind the fact that it’s been fucking years since said incident, at least in most cases recently. It’s becoming a trend; and here women are praising themselves, thinking they’re standing up for themselves. Please. Sure, maybe it happened. Maybe it didn’t. But to be fired (and a career ruined) simply for sexual advances. Do these women have spines? Were you never taught how to tell a man “I’m flattered, but no thank you” or “Leave me the fuck alone, Stanley or I’ll punch you in the throat.” I mean honestly, why is that so hard? I have been working with a majority of males in my workplace for almost 5 years. The percentage of women is rather small. Yeah, I’ve had unwanted advances, and men who think it’s okay to openly reach for what they please. Do you see me ruining careers? No. Stand up for yourself in the moment. Tell that motherfucker to piss off. Make a scene and you’ll make a point. Whine about it years later and all you’ll get is headlines that go nowhere.