I came across this post on Facebook a friend was involved in. My friend and others were responding to this post (as well as others)… but it got me thinking…
… we should really be thanking people like Jon M. Why? Well, because of the growth in minorities who say they are going to vote for Trump or feel they are better off now than a year ago… despite the ad-hominem attack. People like Jon M. are making more people sick of the lies and labels and more likely to vote GOP. Let me explain with my Facebook response to Jon
FB Response
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(CAUTION, reading required… I know this is a stretch beyond simple bumper sticker mantras I see above… but facts have been scarce, so I thought I would bring some to the party. You do not have to follow the links… they are meant for people who care to check their positions at the door and do critical thinking.)
This is why blacks and Hispanic/Latino people will vote for Trump more in 2020 (or the GOP) than they already did in 2016. People who have a common sense understanding about border security, jobs, taxes, and want to fix properly what was promised to Reagan and was essentially double crossed on…
… they are now called white supremacists. They are sick of the violent bumper sticker labels.
There isn’t a single thing Trump has done that has endeared him to white supremacy (WS). I have spent some time in jail and know intimately the viewpoints of white-power individuals… not to mention having studied the views of four racist cults in-depth (Christian Identity [defunct for the most part], the KKK [5,000 members], the Nation of Islam [NOI], and the Five-Percenters). Unannounced to the bumper sticker mantras above, almost all KKK’ers are socialist, and vote almost entirely Democrat.
I make that point in two of my posts here:
➤ Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK)
➤ Some Trump Sized Mantras
➤ Blacks, Hispanics and Gays are Sexist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Racist
Mind you, I noted months before the election of Obama his racist tendencies in this video: “Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church” (Mind you, I look like a white supremacist… but that is why I spend the first 6-minutes giving my bio):
…but even Obama’s bigotry wouldn’t fall towards supporting white supremacists.
I also wish to commend my discussion with an older Democrat on my vacation:
“Hot-Tub Conversations ~ Discussing Politics on Vacation“
BUT, AGAIN, this is why Trump will win again, that is, because people are sick of being called racist for believing the same thing all politicians did a generation ago, what Cesar Chavez (UFW founder) fought for.
- See my post, “Comedian Paul Rodriguez Strays from CNN’s Script (+Mark Levin)” for more on this.
And the worst name calling has been against black persons who are Republicans and/or are starting to support the GOP via Trump. (You should see the stuff said of Larry Elder that I censor on my YouTube — the nicer ones are “coon” and “Uncle-Tom.” — agains, people don’t actually read so they don’t know that character in Harriet Beecher Stowe telling was the hero.)
HERE is a poll to further my point that people like Jon M. are helping Trump, not hurting him (via BLACKSPHERE):
There is a political phrase from the past that fits nicely here:
- “It’s the economy stupid”
The street version of that is more to the point:
- “Money talks, bullshit walks.”
You see, Jon M. is still talking bullshit. Which we should thank him for… because people are walking away from that smelly pile into the GOP.