Video Description:
- From author “This is how our babies die everyday. I was riding down 154th in Harvey,Illinois and I saw 2 little boys creeping from the side of a building, one on each side. I said they’re bad as hell. Looked in my rear view mirror to see what they were up to, and he’s stuffing what seems to be a gun in his shorts. I went down 2 blocks (not to seem obvious) and turned around, got out and this is what occurred. A passerby happened to see (My cousin who knows this child’s mother) called me and said his mom wants the gun back because she purchased it but clearly in the video the kid says it’s his friends and he’s taking it back to him. I had the mom call me and she is livid! She wants this gun back. ? I told her I can’t do that. She said she’d purchase another one. This needs to shared because PARENTS ARE BREEDING MURDERS, THIEVES AND RAPISTS. I hope this goes viral like all the other useless videos I see… This occurred on 4/23/16 in Harvey, ILL which is just 15 minutes south of Chicago, ILL”