Nikki Haley vs. Iowa (Tucker Carlson | Jesse Watters)

Trump’s Iowa landslide sees him win 98 out of 99 counties in drubbing that leaves rivals DeSantis and Haley trailing: So what does this mean for next week’s New Hampshire primary?

See PJ-MEDIA’s post titled: “Nikki Haley Is the Candidate Who Lost Iowa”

Another interesting note is the following CNN poll:

Here is some excellent commentary on IOWA and the upcoming New Hampshire Caucus.

Tucker Carlson (EP.65) What The Results In Iowa Mean

More at RED STATE.

Jesse Watters | Iowa hit a nerve with the press so beware- mass censorship is next. And the censorship campaign is only one leg of the stool: the deep state disinformation campaign’s already begun. The third leg of the stool? Obama’s going to make it rain.