Low IQ Voters, It’s 2020 All Over Again | MRC

  • Add it all up, and the networks have granted the combined Democratic ticket of Harris-Walz 82% positive press, while Trump-Vance have faced 90% negative coverage. — NEWSBUSTERS

A new Media Research Center poll finds that large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 — exactly those who would be expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in this year’s contest — are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.


PolitiFact’s Convention False Percentages: 89 For Trump, 33 For Harris

With both party conventions now in the books, so too are PolitiFact’s nightly recaps. After four days of the RNC and the DNC, PBS’s new fact-checking partner, gave Republicans three times as many false ratings while giving Democrats three times as many true ratings.

Throughout the RNC, PolitiFact awarded two true ratings, one mostly true, eight half trues, eight mostly falses, 16 falses, and one pants on fire. That is eight percent on the right side of the truth-o-meter, 70 percent on the wrong side, and 22 in the middle.

During the DNC, PolitiFact handed out seven true ratings, four mostly trues, ten half trues, six falses, two falses, and zero pants on fires. That is 38 percent on the green side, 28 on the red side, and 34 in the yellow.

The difference was even starker when it came to Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. PolitiFact slapped Trump with one pants on fire, 16 falses, eight mostly falses, eight half trues, and only one mostly true. Harris, by contrast, got one true, one half true, and one mostly false. That is 89 percent false for Trump and 33 percent for Harris.

It is a common retort to say Trump or Republicans are labeled false more often because they deserve it. However, when Harris falsely claimed, “The United States Supreme Court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution,” PolitiFact did not give her a false or even mostly false rating despite quoting the Court ruling that, “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

Also on Thursday, PolitiFact gave JD Vance a false rating for claiming “Kamala Harris wants to give $25,000 to illegal aliens to buy American homes” because “At PolitiFact, the burden of proof is on the speaker. Having seen no specific details from Vance’s team that demonstrate Harris’ proposal would benefit immigrants in the country illegally, we rate his claim False.”

However, when Harris claimed Trump “and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion and enact a nationwide abortion ban, with or without Congress,” PolitiFact again declined to hand out a false rating despite writing several words that suggested Harris was spinning and fearmongering about birth control and Trump’s federalist abortion stance.

If those two examples were given the false labels they deserved, Harris’s percentage of false claims would have nearly doubled to 60 percent, which is quite a different headline than 33.

Stephen Miller & Clay Travis

MUST WATCH – Glenn Beck

The mainstream media is working overtime to hide the most radical presidential ticket in U.S. history in Harris-Walz. America has seen socialists run for president before, as fringe third- or fourth-party candidates. But now we have radical left-wing socialists at the TOP of a major party ticket. While Kamala Harris has never openly admitted to being a socialist, her Senate record gives it away. She scored to the left of Bernie Sanders! She voted TWICE against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to new reporting by the Daily Signal, when Harris was California’s attorney general, she had the home of pro-life journalist David Daleiden raided by California DOJ agents who seized video evidence that potentially incriminated employees of Planned Parenthood. And Harris has found her dream socialist partner in Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Don’t buy the “Midwestern dad” propaganda. Last year, Walz proudly signed a law making Minnesota a “trans refuge” for children who want transgender surgery or irreversible hormone treatments. If parents in Minnesota refuse to grant their child these experimental trans treatments, this law allows state courts to take custody of the child. He also signed a separate bill mandating that all health insurance plans cover these gender transition procedures. Glenn dives beyond the media headlines to uncover the darkest details of their past. They are socialists in sheep’s clothing. And the evidence reveals their dictator tendencies and their anti-freedom, anti-American agenda for our nation. Vote accordingly this November.