The YouTube video has STRONG LANGUAGE and is just a dude commenting on the evidence recently exposed:
GAY PATRIOT comments:
- CONSERVATIVES: “Once we start tearing down traditional family structures that have generally served humanity well and proven themselves over thousands of years of human experience, who knows what will happen then.”
- PROGRESSIVES: “Stupid bigot. It’s not like we’re trying to normalize incest or anything.”
- PROGRESSIVES (3 years later): “You know what would be fun? Normalizing incest.”
(GP’s link is to a Cosmo article) Also, an expansion via THE BLAZE speaking about the DAILY CALLERS story:
Documents discovered by the Daily Caller have revealed that the Antifa group present at the Berkeley anti-conservative riots have connections to the pedophile group known as the North American Man/Boy Love Association.
The Antifa group known as the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), have led several anti-right riots, including the one against provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, and were behind the plans to disrupt Ann Coulter’s Berkeley appearance before it was canceled.
According to the Daily Caller, BAMN’s parent organization, the Revolutionary Workers League in Detroit, has worked directly with NAMBLA. Additionally, BAMN’s co-founder, Eileen Scheff is a member of the Revolutionary Workers League, and an admitted member of NAMBLA. Reportedly, she describes NAMBLA as being the victum of a “witch-hunt.”
From Daily Caller:
Shanta Driver, described by the Capital Research Center as BAMN’s founder and co-chair, was affiliated with RWL as early as 1983, according to the Workers Vanguard, a communist publication. She also identified herself to the Los Angeles Times as an activist with RWL in late 1995 while protesting in Berkeley.
Driver argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of BAMN as recently as 2013.
Driver’s former law partner, Eileen Scheff — who has represented BAMN on multiple occasions, including at the Supreme Court — has been a self-described “member of NAMBLA.” The bulletin identified Scheff as an RWL member.
“As an activist in the legal and political struggle for lesbian/gay rights and for freedom of sexual expression, I am here to support NAMBLA and to demand that the witch-hunt against it must be stopped,” Scheff said at a 1991 NAMBLA conference. “The media and police are targeting NAMBLA because it stands for the rights of young people to have consensual sex with whomever they want.”……….