Kitzmiller v. Dover ~ Explained!

A must buy documentary is “Revolutionary: Michael Behe & The Mystery of Molecular Machines.” (My first Blu-Ray buy… amazing!) In a recent discussion  the Dover Trial was brought up, then, 3-days later I got the documentary in the mail. Here is the comment that started the convo:

  • They took their best shot in Dover, PA and failed so utterly that ID is locked out of the science the USA.. They have managed to make a good bit of money saying what you love to hear–but they are keeping ID from ever ever being taken for science. Find a better approach and you can potentially prevail but not with these guys-they are a dead end as far as ID is concerned.

And this excerpt from it is the best explanation of the all the issues surrounding the trial and the complete slamming of Ken Miller’s un-scientific response to Michael Behe’s clear elucidations: