The audio of the video is bad (background noise/echo). But here is the main part of the convo via RIGHT SCOOP:
WOMAN: “You think his body is the same as the other girls in the pool? Are you saying he doesn’t have male organs?”
DIPSTICK: “I don’t think that ‘she’ – you are twisting words and I think you have no idea…”
WOMAN: “No, I’m a woman and that’s not a woman. Do you have ovaries?”
DIPSTICK: “Can I ask you a question? Are you a biologist?”
WOMAN: “Oh my god, don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is!”
Here is the heartening part of the event, the dude getting booed:
NCAA- As winners are announced crowd goes wild for 2nd place winner of the 500Y Freestyle.
Crowd goes quiet as Thomas is announced first place.
— Sav (@RapidFire_Pod) March 17, 2022
There is a Title IX lawsuit, which should win (POST MILLENNIAL).