Friday Fodder ~ LONG Time Coming

A world with no women drivers (I duck as the wife smacks the back of my head)

“Cat” Burglar

Cool Dog

Ethereal Door Knocker

A goat tree

Dog Rats Out Best Friend

Older brother rats out younger brother

Dance off!

Donuts… Amish style

Sad Dog tries to save friends

Dog has rufthym

One slap too many

Chris P. Bacon

Cat play ping-pong

Rid-em’ Cowboy!

Dolphins having fun — look for the juveniles having the most fun

An improved selfie-stick

HOT[!] Dog!

Looks like me after a tequila shot

First time hearers

CLASSIC Dangerfield

The Ninja strikes again


This woodpecker HATES trees!

5-year old Deep Purple cover


(*Looks down at gut*)

Goats like to have fun too

Blinded by love

Close Call!

Art… wait… or junk?

An odd couple[s]

Spacey nails it