Five Outrageous Facts In Obama’s EOs (via Breitbart):
1. The main policy would not have stopped any recent mass shootings.
2. 225 years of precedent, destroyed–without any legislative due process.
3. You can be denied a gun for purely financial reasons or if you are on Social Security.
4. It adds more burdens to gun dealers who are already following the law.
5. Tax dollars for “smart guns” that nobody wants.
MRCTV Blog has this excellent story by Craig Bannister that should be read in total, and this comes to me via Climate Depot:
Today, Pres. Obama announced new executive orders on gun control designed to keep “mentally ill” people from buying guns – but, will they be used to prevent climate skeptics from buying firearms?
Under Obama’s new rules, doctors can now report people deemed “mentally ill” to the FBI so they can be denied gun licenses.
As the official White House fact sheet on the new gun control regulations states (emphasis added):
“Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a mental health issue, they are either a danger to themselves or others or are unable to manage their own affairs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS.”
If, as Pres. Obama has repeatedly claimed, climate change is a greater threat than terrorism, then aren’t people who deny the climate threat “a danger to themselves or others” and unfit to own guns?
The idea that climate skeptics are mentally ill is nothing new:
Oregon-based professor of “sociology and environmental studies” Kari Norgaard has declared climate skepticism a mental illness that must be “treated.”
Psychology Today published an article listing three warning signs that you are in “climate change denial”:
- “You think climate change is bad, but not that bad.”
- “You don’t have an emotional reaction to climate change.”
- “You aren’t getting political.”
Thus, if you don’t think the climate threat is great enough, or you’re not furious about it, or you’re not politically active in the climate fight, then you’ve got mental issues….
A newer story is by WaPo saying “Inaction On Global Warming Is As Reckless As Drunken Driving,” and many Democrats think deniers should be thrown into jail. If we are criminals and worthy of jail as well as mentally ill… who would allow such a person to own a gun. I wonder what Professor Turley would have to say about this?