Isis FINALLY did it… they have gotten the attention of liberals. The Left/Democrats now see ISIS as a threat! Hallelujah!
What E-V-I-L did ISIS/ISIL commit that has battle plans ready?
Report: ISIS waterboarded captives
(CNN) — Did ISIS use a notorious former CIA interrogation technique on Western hostages?
At least four ISIS hostages in Syria were waterboarded during their captivity, the Washington Post reported Thursday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the treatment of the abducted Westerners.
Among those waterboarded was James Foley, the American journalist who was beheaded by the terror group….
This caused lefty cartoonist to remind us all about one of the big issues of the left… moral equation:

Here is my post on John’s blog:
We water boarded a handful of people… and got actionable intelligence from them (because we had leads and info from computers — as an example) to connect information that was credible… and was key in stopping the Library Tower attack. What did they get from Foley, his editors name? Listen, if I were captive to ISIL and they did this to me (http://www.mrctv.org/videos/water-boarding-exemplified) versus the terror torture manuals they found… bring it. I would go through this daily if it meant I wouldn’t have my head cut off.
But this is the rub… morally equating actions — which is a problem of the left. There is no “evil” greater than our own, and so… strategies are delayed and hem-hawed in dealing with them. I mean, those dastardly conservatives are equal to ISIS/Hamas (Fareed Zakaria, Charlie Rangel).
Dumb… but love the art John. Love the Art.