Cataloging 12 Similar Topics Into New Series

For the newer visitors, I am going thru some of my favorite posts and posting them in blocks of 12…. so you may see some similar topic posts in my first few pages. For instance, I just refurbished 12 posts I have written on homosexuality in the past. Across the top of my page is the black back bar, I have added a “12” to it, and if you hover over it you see:

I have done this for a couple reasons. First, they are good posts that should be catalogued both for the reader to learn responses or countering ideas cultural “currents,” as well as being able to find responses to such things as:

Have historical religious founders and ethical leaders ever supported same-sex marriage”? “If not, when i am told my position of ‘traditional marriage’ is extreme, is it really?” “Rather, since every world religious leader, and major ethical theorist do not support it… isn’t the very recent push to redefine male/female relations the radical position.?”


“How do I argue the idea that marriage is heterosexual? Yes, I am Christian, and I lover the Bible, but is there a way for me to broach the subject or respond to a challenge that deflates the skeptics idea that I immediately start with a book they believe to be fairy tales?” After I deal on equal footing of my opponents secular view and show that he is in a battle with himself, and not the Good Book, how do I then ease into God’s Word?”

How bout “FASCISM”? How many times have we heard the right is fascist. Is there a response to it? If you click on a “12” you are brought to 12-posts that are on one page. This makes it easy to try and see if links or media are dead in what I view as important posts/topics. And it makes it easier for me to guide someone I am talking to to go to a particular post.

I plan on in the future,

  • 12 Cult Posts
  • 12 Apologetic Posts
  • 12 Theology Posts
  • 12 Economic Posts
  • 12 Communist Posts
  • 12 Science Posts
  • 12 Trans Posts
  • ETC.

And maybe a couple others.

So when I begin work on a topic, expect to see my front page loaded up with that topic. Newer people may think all I write on is homosexual issues. Lol. No, but I just added that topic to my 12.