(This is based on my ballot from the Newhall area. My downloadable PDF can be found HERE) A voter can go here to view and download their sample ballot for their area/district, find your voting location, etc. at FIND MY area.) ELECTION INFORMATION (L.A. County). The The California Republican Party site as well. (QR link to this post as well)
The guides I am using in my venture are these… and this is a shit-show of a Primary BTW:
(A) Santa Clarita Republican Women Federated posted this GUIDE.
(C) LA GOP VOTER GUIDE (Republican Party of the 38th Assembly District posted the same to their Facebook)
(D) John & Ken’s VOTER GUIDE for the June 7th Statewide Primary Election
(E) Election Forum has this GUIDE. These are the questionnaires they ask people for the specific office they are running for. If you read through one of those questionnaires you will see why I use them. Their rating system is as follows:
***** The best candidate. Our strongest endorsement
**** Very good
*** Acceptable
** Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning
* Terrible. Do Not Vote. All your other votes will count
(F) The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association voter ENDORSEMENTS.
(G) JUDGE VOTER GUIDE helping you/me choose good judges for years now. Very similar to Election Forum, they give a star rating… the pic is linked to their questionnaire:
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United States Senator
United States Senator (Full Term)
- Mark Meuser (Endorsed by the Calif. GOP)
United States Senator (Unexpired Term)
- Mark Meuser (Endorsed by the Calif. GOP)
Member of the State Assembly, 40th District
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
- Alex Villanueva
- Mike Campbell (every guide has a different pick BTW)
(JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT) – a record number of 5-stars this year
Office No 3
- Frank Amador
Office No 60
- Mark Rosenfeld
Office No 67
- Ryan Dibble
Office No 70
- Rene Yolanda Chang (a rare 5-star!)
Office No 90
- Leslie Gutierrez
Office No 116
- David B. Gelfound
Office No 118
- Keith Kayano
Office No 151
- Karen Brako (a rare 5-star!)
Office No 156
- Carol Elswick (a rare 5-star!)
- Brian Dahle
Lieutenant Governor
- Angela E. Underwood Jacobs
Secretary of State
- Rachel Hamm
- Lanhee Chen
- Jack M. Guerrero
Attorney General
- Ann Marie Schubert
Insurance Commissioner
- Robert Howell
Member State Board of Equalization – 3rd District
- Rick Marshall (Write-in)
Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Lance Christensen