Free Will and Islam

Libertarian Republican has a Jawa Report post, which I now pass on to my readers:

…Sirin Middya, is a 24-year old visiting professor at the Alia University in West Bengal, India. The Muslim Student Association has attempted to force her to wear a burqa while in class. She has refused.

From, “Woman teacher says no to burqa in muslim university” July 29:

Middya who joined as a guest lecturer at the University in March, got the ‘diktat’ in the second week of April that she would not be allowed to attend the college if she did not wear burqa. The University Grants Commission does not prescribe any such dress code. The unfortunate part is that students are forcing women teachers to wear burqa. Middya’s argument is that she has nothing against burqas but if she wears one at all it should be out of her free will….

…(read more)…

Liberal Anti-War Protestors vs. Tea Party Protests

Of course the “racial epithets” hurled from Tea Partiers towards members of Congress just hasn’t been shown to be true. Great video – h/t to NewsBusters:

Now that both liberals and conservatives have coordinated protest movements it is fair to compare the two. Luckily sECULAR sTUPIDEST has put together a great video which shows the March 20th, 2010 Anti-War protest in D.C. and the March 20th, 2010 Tea Party in D.C. (Language Warning)


Update On RPT-My PAGES Are Growing

Just so you guys and gals are aware… I have been working on my Pages. My most recent page that I added is

eBooks & Audio

which are library links to large collections of free books, many of which are required reading for seminary students who study church history and theology.  Although a lot of political books are not posted in totality, there is a collection that is politically based. There are also individual links to books I have enjoyed in the past. They fit a variety of situations or topics. You are more than welcome to email me — see the “BIO” page to email me. This page will grow like the “Quotes” page will.


I added the “Bloggroll” to save load time on the front page. I added a “Support RPT” to encourage you to keep me employed not by asking for $$$ but to get you a %%% off of merchandise which will keep me working in a buddy’s shop. I added the anti-conspiracy page “C-O-N Debunker” and of course added the “Quotes” page (which will always grow). Don’t forget the “Support” page if you feel like getting involved in supporting some causes or or troops, and the like. Also, if you want to suuport Israel in some way do not forget to go to the “Symbol” page. There are many orgs at ther bottom to get you to some solid places to support in some way Israel.