The following PARTIAL list is from GATEWAY PUNDIT. To read the rest, see his site.
Hillary Policies –
Hillary Clinton Dreams of ‘Open Trade and Open Borders’
Hillary Admits Saudi Arabia and Qatar Fund ISIS – But Took Their Money Anyway
Hillary sat on Board that funded ISIS
Hillary’s own advisor blamed Hillary for Benghazi
Hillary bragged about being invited to Russia’s Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’
Clinton Campaign Fudged Climate Change Data – Inflated Emission Numbers
Hillary team picked Tim Kaine as VP in July 2015
Clinton Camp worried as Chelsea hosts “fundraiser” aka Cash payment for Radical Islamic Group that wants to end Israel
Hillary concerned Obama’s over regulation of banks is killing the industry (but this is her position as well)
Obama’s rhetoric ruined the status of forces agreement with Iraq, thus creating ISIS
Trump is right – liberal Hispanic judge’s wife met with Podesta
Hillary’s team agrees that Hillary is running for Obama’s 3rd term
Clinton campaign discussing how to make Hillary more likable
Donald Trump tweets: Obama owes Hillary for illegally holding his emails
Hillary agrees Obamacare stinks in speech to Goldman Sachs (but promotes with public)
Democrats downplay Benghazi because only 4 people died
Smoking gun on Iran deal – Nuclear War coming
Dems hope to win and have Supreme Court for decades
See a good list at the NEW YORK POST.
Hillary and the Media –
CNBC Crank John Harwood Abused GOP Candidates at Debate – Then Trashed Them in Email to Hillary Camp
DNC Chief Donna Brazile Conspired with Hillary to Defeat Bernie; Media Assisted Hillary
The List of Reporters Were Taking Marching Orders from Hillary
Bill Clinton sex “allegations are hurting both Clintons”
Hillary Campaign thanking Univision’s owner Haim Saban for its moderators handling of Hillary against Sanders.
Hillary reads script during interview
CNN refers to Hillary as ‘Madre’
Hacks Have Exposed Journalists In Clinton’s Corner…
WASH POST bureau chief protected Podesta…
NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes…
BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions…
TRUMP: Hillary Wants World Government; Unlimited immigration; Rule by corporations…
FOX News Mole Leaked Town Hall Question to Clinton Campaign
Podesta invites 20 media people to his place for dinner
CNN Hillary’s Super PAC
Hillary’s Director of Communications has drinks with Washington Post
TIME asking for Print approval
List of media to meet with including Megyn Kelly, O’Reilly and Shep Smith at FOX, Cooper at CNN, etc
Plans for media echo chamber (Stalin would be proud)
Hillary worked with the State Department and the AP to cover up email deletions
Tyrant Hillary keeps Conservative radio host on UK hate speech list
CNN says illegal for you to look at WikiLeaks but ok for them – they will fill us in
CEO of Newsmax working with Clinton Campaign
Huma asks to shorten Hillary speech since she won’t be standing
Corrupt Hillary and Obama –
Hillary team discussed deleting emails knowing it was against the law
Hillary Campaign Was in Touch with Obama DOJ on Email Investigation
Hillary trying to get in front of email issue
Hillary’s attorney David Kendall did not turn over thumb drive and server
Hillary accepting foreign money
Hillary’s team doesn’t know what’s in her emails and is nervous about it
Hillary gave special attention to ‘Friends of Bill’ after Haiti quake
Top Clinton donor paid $250 million for tax evasion
Clinton Staffers Discussed Which Emails To Release…
And Which to DELETE!
CROOKS: Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company
Podesta Documents Suggest Scalia Assassination
Hillary and Dept of Justice appeared to have colluded
Hillary’s own campaign doesn’t understand why she deleted 33,000 emails
Hillary sends intel to Podesta on unsecured server
Hillary’s Podesta and Soros are working together
Hillary’s people worried Chelsea Clinton sharing information with Bush daughter about Clinton’s corruption
Robby Mook: “it’s a little troubling” that meeting of Clinton Foundation was held at Goldman Sachs HQ
Bill Clinton receives a million dollar birthday check from Qatar
Huma admits Foreign Interests own HRC
Chelsea Clinton (CVC) Busted Stealing from Clinton Foundation!!!
US Intelligence Expert Threatens to Kill those at WikiLeaks
Hillary campaign concerned about message of spending money on healthy schools since they didn’t do that
Clinton campaign collected data to discredit Bill Clinton accuser
Hillary gets one day in advance of State Department release
Hillary and pay to play
Citigroup provides transition team for Obama’s cabinet
Sanders once wrote about women wanting to be raped
DNC plans fake Trump assault cases in May of this year
Dems fake Trump Craig’s List ads
2nd Hillary yoga email finally found
Hillary’s staff discusses hiding emails from investigators (and then deletes them)
Hillary’s staff discusses not sharing her health issues
Hillary likely broke law in Goldman Sachs speech
Hillary’s (medical) van has a bed
Hillary lies about Goldman Sachs costs – she charged them
7 more Clinton scandals as a result of WikiLeaks
Trump tweets that Hillary thought email scandal would just blow over
Trump tweets Hillary – Obama deal about emails was corrupt
Hillary decides to take money from foreign governments!!!
Hillary and DNC have joint account (against the law)!!
Hillary had a mole on Sanders’ team