They Can Make All Russiagate Documents Classified Again (Kash Patel)

Kash Patel: Now That FBI Has Another “Ongoing Counterintel Investigation” They Can Make All Russiagate Documents Classified Again (REAL CLEAR POLITICS)


KASH PATEL: And, look, it starts and ends with Russiagate. The corruption and the two-tiered system of justice that Devin and I exposed during Russiagate has been carried out, to the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation scandal, to the Hunter Biden laptop, to Jan. 6, and now to the raid on President Trump’s home.

And let me clarify. Basically, the same corrupt FBI government gangsters, the same agents that were involved in Russiagate, the same counterintelligence agents that were involved in making the bad false call on Hunter Biden’s laptop, you’re going to see are the same counterintelligence agents that helped raid or assist in the raid to President Trump’s home.

And why is that a problem? Because these agents knowingly break their — violate their oath of office and the law, get promotions. And we need to demand their names, guys like Auten (ph) and Tibbels (ph) and other guys who also stood up to fake Whitmer prosecution in Michigan.

When Devin and I first marched down to DOJ to expose the likes of Peter Strzok, they laughed us out of the building, but what happened? He was placed on administrative leave because he broke his oath of office. And you’re going to find that exactly is what’s happening here.

And that is a counterintelligence investigation. It means it’s being run on an FBI headquarters as a national security case by these same select few of corrupt politicians who are acting as FBI agents.

President Trump named me his — his representative to the National Archives months ago. And we have been in a bureaucratic battle. As Devin and I have always had to, we found whole sets of documents we meted out to the American public from Russiagate. We got out about 60 percent.

That’s why President Trump made it his mission to declassify and be transparent. In October of 2020, he issued a sweeping declassification order for every Russiagate document and every single Hillary Clinton document. Then, on the way out of the White House, he issued further declassification orders, declassifying whole sets of documents.

And this is a key fact that most Americans are missing. President Trump, as the sitting president, is the unilateral authority for declassification. He can literally stand over a set of documents and say, these are now declassified, and that is done with definitive action immediately.

The fact that the bureaucrats at NARA, who referred — remember, the National Archives are the ones that referred this to the Department of Justice. But they — the same principle failed to refer Hillary Clinton to the Department of Justice when they got their hands on the classified e-mails from those servers.

And switching gears a little bit to the national security officials involved, me, as a former national security prosecutor in the National Security Division, where this case is being run out of, it’s no surprise that the likes of John Carlin, who was the assistant attorney general for national security, who authorized the Russiagate hoax to begin with, is now the number three officials at DOJ.

And Lisa Monaco is the number two official, who was his superior back then.

These folks — and this is — this is a thing I want to stress with. Now that this is a — quote, unquote — “ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation,” they will come out to the American public and be able to say, ongoing C.I. investigation. You will never be allowed to see the Russiagate docs or any other docs that President Trump lawfully declassified.

And they will hide it from the public.

And Congress has a monumental lift ahead of them. Come November, they better start subpoenaing these documents immediately and putting these people before the American public. Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray have failed in their mission to uphold the law. They have become political hucksters. And they are completely destroying our Constitution and putting on a two-tiered system of justice.