These truckers are probably at their wits end with these people, as you can see!
What these Europeans do not understand is that this is a movement to take over Europe… that is why they leave their country and women and children. Likewise, many of these men have no options to get wives becuase four wives are allowed per man… so to have those many wives [as Muhammad allowed] you would [like Muhammad] have to raid lands and kill the men of other territories to get their wives. This is because the birth percentages of the genders are somewhat the same. Ahhh, no one ever thinks about these things. AGAIN, it is how Mecca was finally conquered, not to mention they are living up to Muhammad’s example… and, these men want what their prophet had… four wives ~ actually the prophet [DBUH-death be upon him] had well over sixteen wives. The rule for everyone else was four you see. Cult leaders have these separate rules for themselves… the definition of hypocrite.
See my post on Hijrah, the Islamic view of migration.