The NBA Chooses China Over America (Part 2 Added)

With the NBA in a tough spot over their condemnation of Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey’s tweet supporting Hong Kong protests, Larry looks into coaches Brian Kerr, Greg Popovich, and player Lebron James and how they are quick to criticize President Trump and comment on other political issues in the US, but are reluctant to criticize China for any of its human rights abuses. Larry thinks one sports commentator knows the reason why.


After Lebron James lambasted Daryl Morey for supporting Hong Kong protesters, Larry decides to look into one of the NBA’s biggest issues: fatherless households. He cites a number of well-known figures about the issue that he says faces not only NBA players but America’s black community in general.


Larry Elder does a great job (in two segments) of showing the incredible hypocrisy of the NBA, China’s Orwellian fruition of it’s use of technology to keeps it’s communist regime in power. A must listen to excoriation of the issue with professional sports. Here is the CNN article Larry was reading from: “CHINA’S CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF“.