Yesterday’s show and his column today via Dennis Prager, deals with CNN reporter, Jill Filipovic, writing about Australian Sen. Larissa Waters. Miss. Waters does not cover her breast while the baby eats… a polite manner/habit when breastfeeding in public. The part I was especially interested in was the portion quoting evolutionary psychologist Carol Jahme, a science columnist for the left-wing pro-feminist publication the Guardian….
….Because in virtually every society, heterosexual men have found the female breast a particularly sexually alluring part of a woman’s body.
Evolutionary psychologist Carol Jahme, a science columnist for the left-wing pro-feminist publication the Guardian, summarized a whole host of academic studies. She wrote: “The full, plump bosom seen in the human ape is an anomaly. No other primate has a permanent breast. … The sex appeal of rounded female buttocks and plump breasts is both universal and unique to the human primate.”
So, then, the sole purpose of women’s breasts is not for nursing babies. It is also to attract and arouse men.
Yet, whoever argues that women’s breasts are there to arouse men, not just to provide a baby with milk, is dismissed by feminists as a sexist heterosexist patriarchal pig, a product of a sexist culture that renders women and their baby-feeding mammary glands sexual objects.
But it turns out that science, not just common sense, rejects the feminist argument.
So, how does a CNN columnist, along with myriad other feminists, not know this? Why did my grandmother, who never went to high school, know this, while a vast number of graduates of our universities do not?
The answer is that today’s universities — especially women’s studies and gender studies departments — generally make people stupid.
The only remaining question is: Did anyone at CNN find this column absurd? I suspect not….
Keep in mind, I do not believe in naturalistic evolution, but this is an argument you would adopt to show the detractor that even their side argues against them.