(Originally Posted May 13th 2010)
(Over the years sites that I use to store my pictures at have closed down, or media (video) sites have gone under or certain accounts have been closed… so I lose pictures or videos. This was one such post… so I found the pictures (scans of the pages) on my computer, cleaned em up, and reposting the content.
BTW, I do not remember who the friend was in 2010 I was uploading this for. Lol.
The first book is merely a look at the contents, if I were to recommend one book on the subject, this is it. The book that follows this recommended book is merely a chapter that is a well written introduction to the evolution of the NT becoming canonized. History that should be known by every believer and tackled properly by every skeptic.
(The first books contents you can click on the smaller picture to enlarge)

Chapter as Promised