Donald Trump Inspired Hate [Hoaxes]

This is a common thing, and is one of the many arguments against hate-crime as its own category. The left is creating an aggrieved class who cannot get meaning from life unless they are victims. Here Dennis Prager goes over some recent cases. But a good and growing list of these can be found here at MOONBATTERY.

Here are some more articles on the recent incidents:

LEFTIST HYSTERIA & HATE CRIME HOAXES: Anti-Trump agitators engage in campaign of violence and fabrication while media lends helping hand
The ‘Hate-Crime’ Victims Of Trump Who Weren’t: The deranged fantasy world of the totalitarian cry-bully
Hate Crimes, Hoaxes, and Hyperbole: A reality check for all sides
➤ The Post-Election ‘Hate Crimewave’ Is a Mirage