What “IS” Feminism?


Liberal feminists like Ashley Judd want you to think there’s a Republican “War on Women.” They are wrong. They are hypocrites. They perpetuate the very “hypersexualization of women” that they complain about, while they use their sexuality to heighten their fame and fortune.

An extended version of this would include REAL feminists – like Malala Yousafzai – those who fight courageously for women’s rights, and NOT people like Sandra Fluke – who just want to whine about someone else paying for their birth control.

Rise up, conservative women. You’re better than the liberal harpies who insist you’re a victim. You don’t need the government to be your sugar daddy any more than you need a man to be.

Not “American Feminists” who cozy up to religious misogynists/abusers of children and females:

This has been a burning topic in my mind for quite some time. The reason being is that while Bush was President I was told all the time (by the Left) about his apparent connections to Wahhabism via Saudi Arabia… and how we shouldn’t support a President who has these ties. The Ground Zero mosque Imam said he would take funds from any country, and now he is a hero of the Left. Odd. This Imam has already accepted money from known terrorist funding conspirators and I am sure as the money trail is followed, more will come to light. A great article on Front Page Magazine stirs this up again in me. I will post some ideas to maybe get this topic stirred in your mind as well. Could you imagine though, if the Catholic Church executed homosexuals in 5 or 6 countries and then they wanted to build a catholic college on the site where Matthew Shepard was killed. WOW! The outcry from the Left would be deafening. (CAUTION, language in the following video.)


Leftist would rather support dictatorial leaning murderers rather than true feminists fighting for real equality:

Here is a great interview of Christina Hoff Sommers speaking to “what feminism truly is,” one FREE OF POLITICAL MYTHS — via the Rubin Report: