A Call Into Dennis Prager spawns talk of happy meals,breast implants,and abortion (hey,I just deliver the news)
The UN and Planned Parenthood Support This Policy
NewsBusters h/t:
World Magazine (august 2009):
A mute woman must undergo sterilization before the government allows her to marry. A young woman hides her second child, buying a baby’s corpse from an abortion clinic to convince family-planning officials her baby died. Christian villagers hide pregnant women and children from officials seeking to levy fines for transgressing China’s population-control policies.
These are the stories the Population Research Institute discovered when it conducted a study of China’s population policies in March and May. Its just-released study concludes that even in counties where a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) presence is supposed to preclude coercive policies, the abuse continues. PRI president Steve Mosher said: “We are funding a program of forced abortion and forced sterilization in China through the UNFPA.
UNFPA says it spent $6.8 million in China last year and that China has demonstrated “significant progress” in achieving UNFPA goals. President Bush banned U.S. funding of UNFPA and banned funding for groups that promote abortion overseas (known as the Mexico City policy). President Obama has revoked those decisions, and so far Congress is backing him up.
House and Senate committees have approved at least $50 million for UNFPA. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., failed in his efforts to pass a committee amendment reinstating the Mexico City policy, while the Senate Appropriations Committee passed an amendment backing its reversal. Both the House and the Senate generously funded family-planning programs, with the Senate Appropriations Committee allocating $628.5 million and the House increasing funding by 40 percent from 2008.
But pro-life members of Congress feel they have a chance to curtail abortion-related spending once the House and Senate confer to decide on a final budget draft. Smith told the House it was a “serious problem” to fund pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International: “They are American surrogates in foreign countries. They speak for us. They certainly don’t speak and act for millions of pro-life Americans.”
Criminal: Abortion Clinics Violate Multiple Laws In Michigan
(A hand of an aborted baby retrieved from the trash behindWoman Care abortion clinic in Lathrup Village, Michigan.)
One News Now reports on three abortion clinics in Michigan that violated many laws, but action was only taken on one of them:
Three Michigan abortion clinics have been cited by the Office for Civil Rights for violating the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), but a pro-lifer is disappointed that no further action has been taken.
In December 2008, Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society discovered the remains of aborted babies in the trash behind the three abortion clinics. She also found hundreds of medical records on women who had undergone the procedure, so she filed complaints and extensive documentation.
“Dumping of these patient records is a violation of Michigan state law, but it’s also a violation of the federal regulations known as the HIPAA laws, and the government agency that oversees the HIPAA law is the Office for Civil Rights,” Miller explains.
Under the law, tThose patient records are supposed to be confidential information, but she contends they are hardly confidential if they are thrown into a dumpster. But even though a citation has finally been issued, the pro-lifer wonders why it has taken two years.
“Finally, the Office for Civil Rights agreed that, in fact, these particular clinics were in violation of federal law and cited them as such,” Miller notes. But in the meantime, she has waited for a determination on any further action that might be taken. She admits to feeling “disappointed” because the investigators have not fined the clinics, even though they have been given every reason to do so.
Two of the clinics are owned by Albert Hodari, who is currently the target of a lawsuit by a young woman who claims she changed her mind about an abortion only to have the abortionist’s assistant hold her down while he killed her unborn baby.
On those babies found in the trash,Bishop John Quinn says a prayer for them:
Southfield — Their deaths at the hands of an abortionist cut short their earthly lives, but the 23 aborted babies, whose remains were found in a local abortion clinic trash receptacle, are assured of eternal life with God, Auxiliary Bishop John Quinn said last Saturday.
“The life which these children received has been destroyed by death, yet Christ has taken them up,” Bishop Quinn said during the graveside ceremony at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
Msgr. Robert McClory, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Detroit, prayed, “May these little ones, one day, meet with us in the joy and love of your kingdom.”
“I assumed if you went through an abortionist’s trash long enough, you’d find babies, but nothing prepares you for it,” Kukla continued. “I was changed forever when I first saw the photos of aborted children, but to actually hold one just convicts you all the more,” she added.

Andrea Bocelli Sings A Story About A Brave Mother
Following the popular video in which he recounts how his mother ignored the advice of doctors to have an abortion, tenor Andrea Bocelli said he does not want his testimony to be considered as merely anti-abortion, but also in support of life.
“Because of my personal convictions as a devout Catholic, I am not only fighting against something, I am fighting for something – and I am for life,” he told the Italian newspaper, Il Foglio.
Bocelli said he wants his video “to help comfort those who are in difficult situations and who sometimes just need to feel that they are not alone. Life is hard, but we need to listen, we need to open our ears” to embrace them.
Bocelli said he has been surprised by the calls he has received following the video. “I said those things a year and a half ago in a video message for Father Richard Frechette, a missionary who works with children in Haiti and deserves to have a book written just about him. I gave a concert to help him build the Home of the Angels and he asked me to say a few words of hope for mothers in difficult circumstances and I decided to tell the story of my birth.”
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