This is some excellent observations via Brad Torgensen, who is a geek extraordinaire. Full-time nerd, part-time soldier, night-time science fiction writer:
A few statements, then I am going to really, really, REALLY try to disconnect from the endless cyclone of Trump Derangement Syndrome which presently dominates social media.
Profanity ahead. You were warned.
I don’t think Trump is awesome. I actually think he’s rather problematic. But I am willing to be convinced otherwise, by the dividends of his actions; not the hyperbole of his detractors.
I felt the same about Obama, too.
Didn’t vote for either of them.
Meanwhile, if you must live in mortal fear of the President, at least be afraid of something he actually does, not something he’s never said he wants to do—but you think he’ll do it anyway, because he’s an emperor with unlimited power (even though he’s not) and besides which, all the best progressive clickbait sites say he’ll do it. Just because he’s Republican. And as everyone knows, all Republican Presidents are Literally Hitler.
Sorry, hashtags and pussyhats don’t fight Literally Hitler.
Madonna and Ashley Judd both talking insanely, don’t fight Literally Hitler.
Sarah Silverman mistaking utility markings for swastikas, does not fight Literally Hitler.
Throwing rocks through the window at a Starbucks, does not fight Literally Hitler.
The last time Americans fought Literally Hitler, they did it by literally jumping out of C-47s over France, and literally wading into the teeth of German MG fire at Utah Beach.
Literally Hitler literally shot himself in his bunker, in 1945.
He’s literally dead.
Speaking of which, how about we start calling all these little Antifa clowns, Literally Stalin? You remember Stalin, right? Koba the Dread? Socialist father of the people? Sent millions of Soviet citizens to their deaths? Actually racked up more confirmed kills than the Nazis?
Look up the Holodomor. Now there’s some literal genocide for you.
Do they teach the college kids about the heinousness of Uncle Joe?
How about the bloodthirsty madness of Uncle Mao? Uncle Fidel? Uncle Pol? Uncle Ho?
If not, they should.
Because I don’t blame people for falling in love with socialism, I just blame them for not recognizing what history has taught us about socialism’s ultimate ends. And no, the United States is not going to magically get it right this time. I don’t give a fuck what Bernie Sanders promised you.
Nobody has a right to anybody else’s labor.
Would you work for free, just because the government told you to?
How about, would you work a job you didn’t like, making money that didn’t rise to the level of your ability, just because the government told you to?
We abolished that crap after Vietnam. It was called the draft.
Too much fucking socialism, and we’re going to be drafting motherfuckers for all kinds of shit. Do you want your dentist to be somebody who hates his job, and could care less about your pain level? How about your surgeon? Your eye doctor? The people helping you with your cancer treatments? Assuming the cancer has not killed you already, because the waiting list is so damned long, or some bureaucrat in the nationalized health network decided you weren’t worth the effort.
Think that’s insane? A joke?
Keep agitating for Marxist reform of the American free enterprise system. We’re halfway there already.
When you ultimately try to climb over the wall—the one they will build to keep you and your family in, not keep the Mexicans out—I hope you remember your love for socialism. As the guards start shooting.
That’s why Trump got elected in the first place, you know. Because millions of Americans were afraid that we’re headed down the wrong track, and they didn’t trust Hillary Clinton to fix it.
Maybe Trump does suck, but for God’s sake, when is somebody going to hold the Democrats accountable for flunking what had to be the easiest no-brainer Presidential election we’ve yet seen in this century?
It wasn’t Trump’s job to lose, it was the Democrats’ job to win!
Instead, we got the dumpiest, most lackluster, least exciting (D) run since Walter Mondale’s in 1984.
No, California’s popular vote doesn’t count for shit. And even if we change the Electoral College so that every state’s EC votes are divided up commensurately by population, Trump still walks with 303.
Argument Ad Populum is a logical fallacy, not a platform for successfully reckoning with the gargantuan mess that is the Democratic Party in the United States at this time.
The DNC leadership ought to be run out of town on a rail, for letting Hillary Clinton strong-arm herself to the candidacy.
Because until (or unless) Trump does something technically and provably egregious, he won’t be impeached. Impeachment is hard. They don’t impeach dudes just for being assholes, no matter how much you want them to. So, we’re stuck with Trump for at least four years. Maybe eight? Depends on how well the Dems can clean up their act.
Alas, the DNC is busy deciding it’s too male, too white, too hetero, and too cis. Because identitarianism and Social Justice Zealotry will really, really work next time. Just gotta call people deplorable TWICE AS HARD. That’ll win ’em over.
When all you have is a hammer, everything else in the world looks like a nail.
Has it ever occurred to the present crop of Democratic “thinkers” that maybe what Middle America wants most, is to be left alone? In peace? To tend to their own lives, in their own way, without burdensome regulatory overhead, punitive taxation, or some purple-haired genderqueer activist nitwit screaming in their faces?
Maybe California should secede?
Bye now! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Oh, and take some of these hipster-choked urban pockets with you.
No, we won’t go to war to keep you in the Union.
We just might go to war to keep you out, though—when you’re finally gone.
Your refugees, fleeing your Marxist utopia, will be legion. Once they realize that the Golden State is following Venezuela.
Oh, that reminds me. Uncle Hugo? His “model” for the world? Do they teach that to the college kids too? Including the lack of toilet paper, clean running water, and families eating their pets; just to survive?
Venezuela has the resources to be the richest country in South America, with the highest standard of living.
Well, when we finally do it in North America, it won’t be that bad.
Because reasons. And stuff.
But Trump is the real enemy. Oh yes. He is the ultimate doom. He is Beelzebub. Iblis. The Evil One. His bronze hair-do makes babies cry all night. Every time he cuts an executive order, God kills a kitten. That kind of thing. We have never seen anyone more awful than The Donald. Even though he’s been a New York Democrat all his life, and will go back to being a New York Democrat when he’s done playing with the Presidency.
Phone me when Trump’s brownshirts put you into the camps.
Do I sound cynical? A bit harsh?
This is why I have to withdraw from the storm.
I can’t make it not be crazy.