Should Empathy Be Part of Metanarrative Discussions?

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★ In 1964, fewer than 7 percent of births were outside marriage. Two decades later, the nonmarital-birth ratio was 21 percent. By 2004, it had climbed to 35.8 percent. In 2012, it was 40.7 percent. Those numbers represent a social catastrophe (Independent Women’s Forum)

This was a response to a friend writing a letter to me via FaceBook mentioning that I wasn’t showing a Godly compassion in my dealing with the “Gender Wage-Gap“.

This letter served as an opportunity to also respond to a few mentions to me over the years about my seeming heartlessness in talking about rape (

The main point is that when talking about meta-ethical issues, religious worldviews (which include atheism), political philosophies, and the like, demand that a person remove their emotive responses to a particular in the discussion and look reasonably at the issue being raised. OTHERWISE, serious discussion would never happen… something the Left would love, BTW.