POWERLINE has this to say about that horrible crime against a servant of the people of New York:
GATEWAY PUNDIT notes that Bonds pushed for or was an activist for Hillary Clinton. He merely mentioned that if he could vote, he would vote for Hillary:
You see that response to a person he knows he mentioned he cannot vote (he is a convicted felon), but would vote for Hillary. Not an activist to say the least. I perused his Facebook and couldn’t find overt cultist links or groups he joined of question (like Nation of Islam or Five-Percenters). It looks like he was more concerned with women than anything else. I can say he had an unhealthy view of police relations — after watching a bunch of his “live” videos and other postings by him on his wall. He was a thug who swallowed the typical Leftist lie. But his animus seemed to be driven by hatred of the police.
I don’t feel as confident as the crazy InfoWars site or Gateway Pundit site in trying to connect this to political activism at this time. BUT, he wasn’t a Republican.