Christopher Hitchens, Cancer

(Old post linked to pic [June 09, 2007]…. just click)

HOTAIR’S Allahpundit (an atheist) shows his respect:

His prognosis, not in only terms of survival but in carrying on with speech and debate, is unknown thus far. But here’s a passage from the Merck handbook linked above:

Because esophageal cancer usually is not diagnosed until the disease has spread, the death rate is high. Fewer than 5% of people survive more than 5 years. Many die within a year of noticing the first symptoms. Because nearly all cases of esophageal cancer are fatal, the doctor’s main objective is to control symptoms, especially pain and the inability to swallow, which can be very frightening to the person and loved ones (see Death and Dying: Difficulty Swallowing)….

(read more)

His debates on religion were not that impressive, outside of rhetoric and polemics. His stance against Muslim terrorism around the world is phenomenal. But I ask this question, will he remain an ATHEIST to death. Many in his place have, but typically die through disease inflicted through too many partners, or drug overdoses. Sartre and Flew are examples of others who have changed their minds, even if at a late hour. I will be praying for Hitchen’s, that he escape the worst sickness of all… his rebellion against his Creator.